4.To sit down slowly; settle down:"She looked swiftly around, and once she saw her husband, subsided primly onto the edge of a chair"(Jane Stevenson). [Latinsubsīdere:sub-,sub-+sīdere,to settle; seesed-inIndo-European roots.]
refer- think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another; "This plant can be referred to a known species" reclassify- classify anew, change the previous classification; "The zoologists had to reclassify the mollusks after they found ...
But in order to begin any form of revision for clade XVII, it is first necessary to determine which subclades are problematic, using as complete a morphological and genetic coverage as possible. Up to this point, the largest number of markers used for analysis of this group has been derived...
Such a relationship underscores that even though the WNP TC frequency is decreasing, it remains imperative to understand intrabasin and sub-regional TC variability (such as the KP-influence TCs) given the shifts in the large-scale features. Of the two above mentioned indices, we note that the...
Subtribe Pilsbryoconchina Bolotov et al., 201729. Genus PilsbryoconchaSimpson, 1900 PilsbryoconchaSimpson, 1900: 58714. Pilsbryocandra[sic] Coates, 1925: 8329. Type species:Anodonta exilisLea, 1838 by original designation14. Distribution: Widespread in Indochina, Sumatra, Java, and Singapore15,...
This not only provides information on local climate change, but also on the sub-regional ISM response to distal forcings. Quantitative reconstruction of rainfall using δ18O was attempted [122], and this approach is worth testing over modern instrumental time scales. A recent study suggests that...
These observations may suggest that a population change in northern East Asia had already occurred at the end of the LGM, earlier than the recently proposed post-LGM population change demonstrated by a 16,900-year-old subadult female (Khaiyrgas-1) found in Khaiyrgas Cave in Yakutia (Russia...
Algae, like most vegetables, have cells with pigments that allow them to perform the photosynthesis. These organisms have a wide geographical distribution, colonizing various sites, but always linked to the presence of water. They can be found floating i
There are several sub-questions that we will discuss: (23) a. What does the genealogical blend look like? b. Is there internal variation in the blend? c. How and why does the blend evolve over time?17We study the expression of the range of concepts mentioned in section 3.3 on the ...
2. Informal An entertainment; a party: attended a big do at the embassy. 3. A commotion. 4. A hairdo. 5. Chiefly British Slang A swindle; a cheat. 6. Slang Fecal matter; excrement.Phrasal Verbs: do by To behave with respect to; deal with: The children have done well by their ...