Thepiefallsfromthecat’smouth. ThepierollsdowntheroofanddropsonEd’sface. Edshakeshisheadbutthepiedoesnotcomeoff. ThecatshowsEdanuglygrin. Edtellsthecat,”I’llgetyou!” ThecatmakesEdfurious. EdnamesthecatBigFatCat. Itwaswrongtostealhispie. ...
One night, when Wilma was out, the fat cat got out of the vat. He went, pit-a-pat, and sat on the mat.一天晚上,威尔玛出去了,胖猫从桶里走出来。他走过来声音噼里啪啦的,然后他坐到了垫子上。 “This is MY mat!” said the rat. “So what,” said the cat. “So get off!” said...
1.Book 1 The hot yak 热辣辣的牦牛 2.Book2The big cub大块头熊宝宝 《我的第一套自然拼读故事书》简介: 作者简介 : 诺拉·盖多斯是在美国康涅狄格州从事基础教育的一位老师,她在俄亥俄州的迈阿密大学牛津分校取得基础教育专...
1. The fat cat has a ___ body and a big___.相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 1.fat;belly 肥猫通常拥有圆胖的身体和较大的肚子。因此,第一个空格应填入描述身体特征的形容词,如“fat”或“chubby”。第二个空格则应填入描述肚子部位的名词,如“belly”或“tummy”。 最终答案为:1. fat;belly反馈...
The Neighbor's Big Fat Cat邻居的大肥猫 作者:null 出版社:7-09999 页数:10 定价:25.00元 ISBN:9781933796215 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
I own a big fat cat— He weighs at least a ton. He couldrun to save his life. Yes, he is much fun.His favourite room’s the kitchen. I’m sure we all know why. He eats just about everything, So that’s why, with a sigh ......
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《The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat (I Can Read, Level 1)胖猫坐在垫子上 英文原版》作者:HarperCollins US,出版社:1998年7月 第1版,ISBN:34.10。ThisismymatThefatcatsatonthemat.Getoffsaidtherat.B
, Killer Koalas From Outer Space, The Big Fat Cow that Goes Kapow, The Cat on the Mat Is Flat, and The Day My Butt Went Psycho! is at his best in these wild storytelling adventures, perfect for readers of all ages, which hit #1 on the Australian bestseller list.Terry Denton has ...