内容提示: pilot 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度 以此来决定是否再继续播下去 也可以说是一个开端 第一集 试播 -Sheldon:So if a photon (particle of light) is directed to a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed, photon 光子 particle of light 粒子...
内容提示: 生活大爆炸第 十二季 季 The Big Bang Theory 英英文 剧本 第一集 Previously on The Big Bang Theory Can you believe our little lamb is finally getting married? He can't believe it. And neither can I. Hi, Dad. How you doing? Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce ...
《生活大爆炸》前情提要PreviouslyonTheBigBangTheory... 我们现在正式宣布你们成为夫妻Wenowpronounceyouhusbandandwife! 我爱死这部分了Ilovethispart! 我也爱Me,too! 我内心五味杂陈啊Ihavestronglymixedfeelings! 霍华德真的上太空啦So,Howard'sreallyinspace,huh?
生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第1集.pdf,《生活大爆炸》前情回顾 Previou ly on The Big Bang Theory... 我和莱纳 沃罗威茨 库萨帕里 I am going to the Arctic Circle 要去北极圈 with Leonard,Walowitz,and Koothrappali. -去三个月 -没错 - For three m
The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03 E01 PreviouslyonTheBigBangTheory...IamgoingtotheArcticCirclewithLeonard,Walowitz,andKoothrappali.-Forthreemonths?-Yes. Whatdidyoumeanwhenyousaidyouweregoingtomissme? ItmeansIwishyouweren'tgoing. Oh,thankGodwe'rehome. Ican'tbelievewespentthreemonthsinthatfrozenhell. Itwaslike...
生活大爆炸第十季The Big Bang Theory英文剧本 热度: 1 BigBangTheorys12e01EpisodeScript TheConjugalConfiguration tv-show=big-bang-theory&episode=s12e01 PreviouslyonTheBigBangTheoryCanyou believeourlittlelambisfinallygettingmarried? Hecan'tbelieveit. ...
生活大爆 炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第4集.doc,一切都好 Okay-dokay. 每次看这部电影 我都很困惑 This movie baffles me every time we watch it. 什么意思 What do you mean? 指南说得一清二楚 The instructions are very clear: 午夜后别喂魔怪 dont feed the
S01E13-14 The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸 美剧 中英剧本.词汇解释.学习笔记 热度: THEBIGBANGTHEORY第二季中英剧本+词汇解析 TBBTPage2of73 (TBBT-S02-EP01-02) 第1集TheBadFishParadigm -Leonard:Soyousee,whatyouareeatingisnottechnicallyyogurt, ...
美剧 生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory S01E11-12 中英剧本·词汇解释·学习笔记 美剧 生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory S01E15-16-17 中英剧本·词汇解释·学习笔记 生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory (2007) 第1季第1集 中英表格台词剧本 纸业周报(95-99) The Big Bang Theory生活大爆炸第2季剧本台词中英整理...
生活大爆炸第 六季 季 The Big Bang Theory 英英文 剧本 第一集 Previously on The Big Bang Theory: We now pronounce you husband and wife. I love this part! Me too! I have strongly mixed feelings. So Howard's really in space? The International Space Station, 250 miles that way. Heh. Ri...