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生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第1集.pdf,《生活大爆炸》前情回顾 Previou ly on The Big Bang Theory... 我和莱纳 沃罗威茨 库萨帕里 I am going to the Arctic Circle 要去北极圈 with Leonard,Walowitz,and Koothrappali. -去三个月 -没错 - For three m
生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第10集.pdf,莱纳德 看我的 Hey, Leonard, check this out. 莱纳德 她又来了 Leonard, shes doing it again. 我觉得你调戏食物会让谢尔顿郁闷 I think it upsets Sheldon when you play with the food. 不 应该是她从碗里随便
Welcome to my Big Bang Theory transcripts site. I intend to eventually feature transcripts for every episode of the hit American sit-com. Those that are complete are featured on the side-bar. Please feel free to browse through them at your leisure. Note: Everything should now be up to dat...
[美剧] 生活大爆炸/The Big Bang Theory 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版 剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版 生活大爆炸下载/生活大爆炸字幕下载 这是一部以 "科学天才" 为背景的情景喜剧,这倒非常罕见。主人公Leonard (JohnnyGalecki, "Roseanne") ...
big bang theory Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia n. A scientific theory describing the origin of all space, time, matter, and energy approximately 13.7 billion years ago from the violent expansion of a singular point of extremely high density and temperature. ...
内容提示: pilot 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度 以此来决定是否再继续播下去 也可以说是一个开端 第一集 试播 -Sheldon:So if a photon (particle of light) is directed to a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed, photon 光子 particle of light 粒子...
The_big_bang_theory 0403 下载积分: 100 内容提示: Season 4, Episode 3 -Sheldon: All right, I'm ready for my next question. ready: 准备好了的,处于适当状态的 question: 问题,疑问 好了,我准备好答下一题了。 -Amy: In a world where rhinoceroses are domesticated pets, who wins the Second...
生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory Season 3 (2009) 全23集百度网盘资源下载 资源价格:¥0.00资源大小21.7GB资源格式MP4储存方式百度网盘 登录后下载 已经登录?刷新 版权声明:本站分享资源均通过网络等公开合法渠道获取,仅为阅读交流测试使用,请在下载后24小时内删除,版权归作者或出版方所有,本站不对涉及的版权问题...