A seamless fit between quantitative and ethnographic approaches to research remains a distant goal, but ethnographers must continue to exercise flexibility, persistently and creatively carving out their unique niches within the larger field of social science research....
The processes of self-organization are, therefore, essential for understanding the interface between niche and regime practices; however, what exactly is self-organizing remains unclear. The processes of self-organization, which relate to socio-institutional practices, shape what is happening in the ...
Our analyses suggested that demographic variables could not be well fit a pre-determined factor structure based on variables relating to the individual, home, neighborhood, and school; therefore, we took a data-driven approach to examine the effects of environmental variables. Because many of these ...
However, it is questionable whether violence is necessary to explain the genetic signal observed by Karmin et al.1as the level of violence worldwide at these times remains uncertain (Zeng et al.’s model assumes that 15% of males were killed at each generation9). Using ethnographic and/or a...
a moral panic as we approach the primal (mise-en-)scene of capital: its instantaneous cruelty; its incomprehensible ferocity; its fundamental immorality — these are what are scandalous, unaccountable for in that system of moral and economic equivalence which remains the axiom of leftist thought, ...
A common quantitative data collection technique used in research interactions with children with cancer is the administration of written or verbally proctored questionnaires [43]. In comparison, qualitative studies often rely upon ethnographic, observational, and interview-driven techniques to capture data ...
A seven-step meta-ethnographic approach [12] was used to synthesize the findings across all studies, as it allowed the synthesis of findings from multiple studies and the development of a higher-order interpretation [16,17]. The first phase, ‘getting started’, involved the development of the...
The sp̓aƛ̓mul̓əxʷəxʷ (Methow) originally lived in and around the Methow River Valley. Ethnographic information about the sp̓aƛ̓mul̓əxʷəxʷ is scarce, mainly because early historians or ethnographers confused the mətxʷu with other nearby tribes....
These qualitative data were recorded and analyzed following standard ethnographic procedures [54–57], particularly those that follow social science triangulation procedures of the grounded-theory approach (that is, check the consistency or veracity of what persons tell us by going over the same issues...
Precision medicine often applies an experimental approach, where individualized research data is incorporated into clinical therapy treatment. It changes how clinical trials are usually conducted, for instance, in the number of research subjects, as very few or even only one patient participates [7]....