Confusion Continues on the Benefits of EstrogenMagnolia Miller
Estradiol cream has a range of benefits, from shrinking prostate tumors to managing vaginal dryness. Other effects of estradiol...
Stroke is a leading cause of death and the most common cause of long-term disability in the USA. Women have a lower incidence of stroke compared with men throughout most of the lifespan which has been ascribed to protective effects of gonadal steroids, most notably estrogen. Due to the low...
1 This article reports principal results for the trial of combined estrogen and progestin in women with a uterus. The trial was stopped early based on health risks that exceeded health benefits over an average follow-up of 5.2 years. A parallel trial of estrogen alone in women who have had ...
The Health Benefits of Playing Golf Posted by Joey Harding on 2021-10-27 in Health Follow me Golf can be a great way to get in shape while having fun. You must maintain a proper form when playing golf, which will help prevent injury and improve your health. If you are looking for...
anything too physically demanding. Beginners can also benefit from training aids prevalent in golf online resources. All you have to do is be willing to try the game first, and everything else will fall into place naturally. We’ll give you some health benefits of golf to help you get ...
These results show an association between short-term exposure to PM and suicide. Our study adds evidence for the benefits of reducing PM in preventing diseases and improving mental health. Peer Review reports Background Suicide is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for over 700,000...
There is no clear recommendation of how much flax seed one should take to reap the health benefits. Most studies investigated the doses between 10 to 50 grams of raw, ground flax seed. Some studies reported that an intake of 45 g of flaxseed has laxative effects. ...
health benefits.However, concentrations of the bioactive substances tested in the study were lower than the minimum effective level specified by the China Pharmacopoeia Committee. A variety known as Fallopia multiflora angulata contained significantly lower levels of the compounds than Fallopia multiflora1....
2.Any of several synthetic compounds that mimic the physiologic activity of estrogen, such as ethinyl estradiol, used primarily in oral contraceptives. [estr(us)+-gen.] es′tro·gen′ic(-jĕn′ĭk)adj. es′tro·gen′i·cal·lyadv. ...