This terrifying ice-cream seller's name is Rod, and he seems to be very friendly towards kids; however, he has an evil plan, and you need to find out where is it. All you know is that he takes them into the ice cream van, but you don't know where they go after that. Your mi...
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空. 每词限用一次,每空限填一词.have healthy one hear read.56.Too much ice cream is bad for your___.57.He is always the___ to get to school every weekday.58.They all enjoy___ Engl
英荷食品巨头联合利华把销售萎缩归咎于阿特金斯饮食法。 Yet by late 2003 the craze had gone the way of its founder, snuffed out by a blend of boredom, bad breath and bad publicity. As one newspaper summed it up: “Atkins is toast.” 然而到2003年末,这股热潮迎来了和其创始人一样的结局,人们...
Pete adds ice cream! 皮特猫加上了冰激凌! He takes three huge scoops. 他加了三大勺。 Pete's sandwich is too big for Pete to eat. 对皮特猫来说,他的的三明治太大了。 Pete wonders what to do. 皮特猫不知道该怎么办。 Pe...
3.(Cookery)chieflyUSandCanadian(of desserts) served with ice cream [C17: from French: according to the fashion] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Eliora Fashion3公里 Oberon Mall5.53公里 Abad Nucleus Mall5.62公里 Chandrika Buildings530 米 Kolatheri Shopping Complex450 米 Anjali Complex526 米 Hindware Gallery. Appliances Showroom577 米 Buhari Super Bazar494 米 Nabeel Plaza649 米 Central1.17公里 ...
nothing! A group member went and asked for a dessert menu; there were x4 options, x3 of which came with vanilla ice-cream "but we haven't any vanilla ice-cream". Then she went to ask them to come and take tea & coffee orders, "sorry the coffee machine is broken". "And by the ...
:说服某人(做某事)剑桥词典英语释义:to persuade someone to do something, or to decide to do something:例句:I tried to talk her into ordering ice cream.我试过说服她去点一个冰淇淋的。注:这里拓展一下,“talk someone out of ……”则是“说服某人(不去做某事)”。“talk”这个单词有一个意思是“...
金泳勋,1997年8月8日出生于韩国首尔特别市,韩国流行乐男歌手、男子演唱组合THE BOYZ成员。2016年8月,出演I.O.I歌曲《Whatta Man》的MV。2017年12月,随组合凭借首张迷你专辑《The First》正式出道。2018年4月,随组合发行第二张迷你专辑《THE START》;5月,担任SBS音乐节目《THE SHOW》特别主持人;8月,随...