整体的操作非常简单,随时控制角色灵活移动,各种口味自由挑选,冰激凌坏蛋(Bad Ice Cream 3)精美的像素画风搭配动听的背景音效还能让大家快速的沉浸其中。多个模式也能自由挑选,轻松欢快的音乐,十分烧脑的迷宫关卡更让游戏充满了挑战性。 冰激凌坏蛋优势 1、操作上没有任何难度,玩家只需要点击屏幕,就可以使自己的角色向前...
As an online gamer, there's a good chance of hearing about Bad Ice-Cream; a game that requires you to collect wall fruits and at the same time avoid the melting wrath of your enemies and not to cheat. On the website, you may choose to play Bad Ice-Cream 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 -...
3、每一个关卡都经过了精心设计,十分的独特。 冰激凌坏蛋小编简评: 在这里,玩家可以尽情的展现自己的闯关技能,在路上只有利用更多的坏冰激凌,才可以打破那些冰块,成功的闯过迷宫关卡,同时游戏还支持了多人游戏的模式,可以让玩家和自己的家人共同享受休闲的闯关玩法,游戏的画面采用了像素的风格,使里面的角色十分的逼真...
玩家需要不断吃掉冰淇淋来穿过一个个的迷宫关卡,享受游戏的乐趣。 编辑点评 总之,坏蛋冰淇淋3是一款简单而有趣的休闲街机游戏,玩家可以与朋友一起玩乐,尝试突破关卡。 游戏截图 <> 包名:com.bin.bad.icecream3.mazegame MD5:b6f26577e43c4ac53d7a8eb9ccdd3115...
坏蛋冰淇淋3是一款非常经典的像素风格小游戏,在游戏中你将控制各种水果完成各种各样的任务。趣味的玩法搭配上有趣的风格,绝对能让你的游戏时光变得更加有趣。游戏玩法轻松简单,喜欢的小伙伴快来下载吧。 坏蛋冰淇淋3介绍 坏蛋冰淇淋3这款游戏是一款非常好玩的休闲类街机游戏,在这款游戏中,玩家可以感受到非常轻松的游戏...
Bad Ice Cream 3 - A Nitrome Game. Third instalment of our popular Dairy based franchise now in the desert!
Bad Ice Cream 3 can be so interesting like this not only because the beautiful designs, lively music, but also because the exciting challenges for players to overcome in each different level. To become the winner in bad ice cream 3, you have to finish 40 levels of the game. In each lev...
Check out:Bad Ice Cream 2,Bad Ice Cream 3 Some Frequently Asked Questions How to play with 3 or 4 players? Bad Ice Cream is an interesting game to play with friends. This game allows up to 4 players. In order to play this game in three-player mode, let's press button U in the ...
Play bad Ice Cream is a puzzle game. In the game, you have to escape, use your skills to collect fruits and break the ices on your way.
Today we want to highlight one of the many new enemies that are coming your way in Bad Ice-Cream 3.