AUTISMAutism spectrum disorder has precipitously mounted globally since the early 1990s. The Autism rise in amount has flashed fears of an autism epidemic. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developing condition. Although ASD can be an enduring disorder, early diagn...
孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)是一种强基因相关同时受其他混杂因素影响的疾病,表现为早期即出现的社交障碍与刻板重复行为。目前距该病最早提出已有 50 多年的历史,孤独症的涵盖范围从一个罕见的儿童障碍,变为覆盖全年龄段、症状由轻到重的谱系。 现在的 ASD 患者相较 50 年前有更好的前景,随着...
The Lancet 最新综述:孤独症谱系障碍的诊断与预后 孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)是一种强基因相关同时受其他混杂因素影响的疾病,表现为早期即出现的社交障碍与刻板重复行为。目前距该病最早提出已有 50 多年的历史,孤独症的涵盖范围从一个罕见的儿童障碍,变为覆盖全年龄段、症状由轻到重的谱系。 现...
探讨孤独症与自闭症之间的区别,首先要澄清的是,这两个术语实际上指的是同一疾病的不同表述。自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD),即通常所说的自闭症,是一组广泛的发育障碍,涉及到严重的社交、沟通和行为挑战。这种疾病影响了社交互动、言语和非言语沟通以及重复性行为或兴趣。在美剧《...
这些治疗在一定程度上也可以帮助减轻家庭的痛苦,并且让他们关注到积极的方面之中。 适合早期父母介入的实证有效的治疗方法: 参考文献: LORD C, ELSABBAGH M, BAIRD G, et al. Autism spectrum disorder[J], Lancet, 2018, 392 (10146): 508–520.
孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)是一种强基因相关同时受其他混杂因素影响的疾病,表现为早期即出现的社交障碍与刻板重复行为。目前距该病最早提出已有 50 多年的历史,孤独症的涵盖范围从一个罕见的儿童障碍,变为覆盖全年龄段、症状由轻到重的谱系。
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is highly heritable, and although there has been active research in an attempt to discover the genetic factors underlying ASD, diagnosis still depends heavily on behavioral assessments. Recently, several large-scale initiatives, including those of the Autism Consortium, ...
孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)是一种强基因相关同时受其他混杂因素影响的疾病,表现为早期即出现的社交障碍与刻板重复行为。目前距该病最早提出已有 50 多年的历史,孤独症的涵盖范围从一个罕见的儿童障碍,变为覆盖全年龄段、症状由轻到重的谱系。
Introduction: For the majority of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) population, symptoms begin within the first years of life and associated difficulties continue throughout the lifespan. Currently, the research literature focuses more heavily on problems in childhood. However, given that adulthood ...
autistic-spectrum disorder Medical n (Psychiatry)psychiatryany disorder within the spectrum of autism, such as Asperger’s syndrome, characterized by impairment in communication, social interaction, and flexibility of thinking and behaviour. Abbreviation:ASD ...