When a shutdown is initiated, Windows sends a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to all running applications that have a user interface (UI) thread. This message asks the application to save any unsaved data and terminate gracefully. If the application does not respond to the message within a certain ...
When a shutdown is initiated, Windows sends a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to all running applications that have a user interface (UI) thread. This message asks the application to save any unsaved data and terminate gracefully. If the application does not respond to the message within a certain ...
WiseOptimizersthere are some support request types that allow you to schedule a callback. In my case, it was trying to get an app name unreserved from an old account. Once in the callback, I asked for help with the verification process - and they were v...
Also I am not to sure if there is anything I need to do on our windows server iis side the only thing i tried there was to add and allow the url under sites in iis request filtering which also did not make any difference. Please see current code of applicati...
-- it *does* respond to *application* USART0 commands as if it restarted the embedded code and did not stay in the ISP code hhhmmm... 0 Kudos Reply 02-14-2024 12:16 PM 965 Views Oxolotol Contributor III // set these to reset values per UM11065 4.6.8SYSCON_MAINCLKSEL_...
Data backup and DR are often a company's first foray into the cloud, but the richness of services means no application or workload type is off limits -- a primary reason why many businessesdesign next-generation applications around the cloud. Many also look tomigrate legacy systems to the ...
which was not exactly what I had envisioned when I dreamt of designing high-rise buildings. Nevertheless, it provided me with a unique perspective. I gained an understanding of the practical application of the theories we learn...
Also, since this problem is at least three years old, please do not respond with: This is a Mac/Apple issue (since I am absolutely sure you have a liaison between you (Adobe) and Apple who focus on issues like this...if you don't, shame on you.) This is ...
(GVHD). In 2012, Torikai et al. used engineered ZFNs to eliminate the expression of α or β chains in endogenous TCRs, leading to the loss of TCR function in CD19 CAR T-cells.223These modified T cells did not respond to TCR-specific stimuli but retained the ability to recognize and...