I just cannot get it to respond.warn: Requestrr.WebApi.RequestrrBot.ChatBot[0] Bot configuration changed: restarting bot[2024-09-16 14:43:55 +03:00] [0 / ] [Crit ] There was an error registering application commandsSystem.ArgumentException: Source array was not long enough. Check the so...
fail: Requestrr.WebApi.RequestrrBot.ChatBot[0] Error while sending ping command: Not found: 404 DSharpPlus.Exceptions.NotFoundException: Not found: 404 at DSharpPlus.Net.DiscordApiClient.CreateInteractionResponseAsync(UInt64 interaction_id, String interaction_token, InteractionResponseType type, DiscordI...
As a user, you may not have permission to reset a Discord bot that you have not created. You can let the moderators or other prominent members of the Discord community aware of the problem with accessing Midjourney. Make sure to mention the “Midjourney The Application Did Not Respond” er...
In most cases, exiting the application allows fixing the problem for a while, but this is not a permanent solution. With that said, if you are looking for a solution for Microsoft Windows “the application is not responding,” you are at the right place. Here we will discuss different way...
哥们,这种情况只有两个可能。1. 系统问题(有时候是这样的,重开或者过几个小时就好了。)2. 服务器更新。(这样我也没办法)
添加服务the service did not respond 添加服务器是什么意思, 服务器(serve),为网络的灵魂,也叫做伺服器,一个管理资源并为用户提供服务的计算机。 特性:1.可扩展性2.易使用性3.可用性4.易管理性。具体的服务器解释可
Error 1053:The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion”(错误 1053:服务没有及时响应启动或控制请求)错误信息” protected override void OnStart( string[] args ) { while(true){;} } 一般是OnStart中有死循环,服务管理器没有检测到启动完成,超过一段时间后就会报...
将exe做成服务后报错the service did not respond to the start or control reque exe文件做成服务,要把应用程序添加为服务,你需要两个小软件:Instsrv.exe和Srvany.exe。Instsrv.exe可以给系统安装和删除服务,Srvany.exe可以让程序以服务的方式运行。这两个软件都包含在
When launching Autodesk 2020 or higher versions software product, the following error message appears: Services Windows could not start the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service service on Local Computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start
您好!意思是:服务器没有及时应答 504 网关 时间-开启 这个不是病毒,这是因为您所访问的网站现在没有对外服务。如果您不是访问所有网站都出现这个情况,那么就是网站的问题。不必担心会中毒。望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!