用Sideloadly打开APP,打开“高级选项〞1. Change app name 填入一个其他名字2. Signing mode 选择 Export3.点击start导出修改名字后的APP4.再用altstore安装试试 5楼2022-05-20 10:40 收起回复 阿诗玛 打酱油的 5 改成英文名 来自iPhone客户端6楼2022-05-20 11:54 回复 MWYF7 1L喂熊 1 改ipa名字...
关于The name..下载个Sideloadly!然后把ipa文件移进去第一步点:Advanced options第二步点:Change app name:修改里面的名字为全英文第三步点:Signing mode下面的Ex
今天打包上传app到app store上遇到的一个错误,在xcode6.2下提示: The IPA is invalid. It does not inlude a Payload directory. 折腾了一个下午,没有找到办法,网友遇到提示这个错误提供了一个解决办法: http://blog.csdn.net/jimjarry/article/details/42676041 ...
Once I do what was said to do in that thread I get another error message. "The IPA is invalid. It does not include payload directory". Am I still doing something wrong? My Process: Create folder called "Payload" => Move .App into folder => Compress folder to turn into .zip ...
使用ApplicationLoader中出现报错:The IPA is invalid. It does not inlude a Payload directory 问题处理方法: 1、将achieve的.app后缀的软件包放在一个payload的文件夹中 2、压缩该文件夹,改变.zip后缀为.ipa 3、使用applicationLoader上传该文件
Of course, if you press "Yes" on the JIT debugging dialog, you'll get an error stating that the application is invalid. If you haven't guessed, the rest of your application keeps running on its merry way when a thread is blocked waiting in the JIT debugging dialog. If you do add a...
将“The UI Language registration list is invalid.”翻译的意思:UI的的字体库注册列表无效。估计是注册表有问题。解决办法:建议先重装软件一次,看看是否正常。不行的话,再换个版本试试。估计是软件和系统兼容不好或者软件设计不成熟