用Sideloadly打开APP,打开“高级选项〞1. Change app name 填入一个其他名字2. Signing mode 选择 Export3.点击start导出修改名字后的APP4.再用altstore安装试试 5楼2022-05-20 10:40 收起回复 阿诗玛 打酱油的 5 改成英文名 来自iPhone客户端6楼2022-05-20 11:54 回复 MWYF7 1L喂熊 1 改ipa名字...
关于The name..下载个Sideloadly!然后把ipa文件移进去第一步点:Advanced options第二步点:Change app name:修改里面的名字为全英文第三步点:Signing mode下面的Ex
Issue - After refreshing apps altstore and all installed apps will become unavailable, this is also possible through installing the same app from different libraries (Ex: 2 different YouTube IPA’s). Reinstalling altstore without removing...
就是把改好的ipa放到google drive, 在Google Drive App上“選擇開啟工具”,"複製至AltStore“<=之前只開放給patreon 用AltStore 應該可以自動重簽了(^o^)/ 首先感谢您这个方法😊然后我想问一下最后一步传到gdrive是必须的嘛,我通过文件共享给altstore提示the app is invalid,但是ios安装gdrive后没有找到您提到...
App Refresh is required every7 daysto continue using them. Troubleshooting Guide: Fix altserver.dmg cant be opened Simply go to the download folder on your Mac computer and open the file. Fix Installation Failed If you face this error, “Installation Failed,You are not a member of any Devel...
(Altstore安装很顺利),用了几天发现小bug还算可以接受,于是今天恢复主力机备份后准备重新越狱,没想到第一步装Altstore直接报错“the provisioning profile is invalid”,换了别的win10 PC也是同样报这个错,又换了别的iOS设备均无问题可以安装,基本确定是备份造成的,搜了全网只看到抹除才成功的,请教各位大神还有没有...
altstore安装软件时the name for this app is invalid是什么原因?登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示0回复贴,共1页 <<返回苹果越狱吧 分享到: ©2022 Baidu贴吧协议|隐私政策|吧主制度|意见反馈|网络谣言警示...
continuation.resume(throwing: OperationError.invalidApp) return .cancel } continuation.resume(returning: responseURL) return .cancel } } private extension DownloadAppOperation20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions 20 AltStore/Operations/Errors/OperationError.swift Original...