踝关节 踝关节为滑膜铰链关节,具有一个自由度,只允许跖屈和背屈(分别为屈和伸)。在正常站立时,重力线在关节前方下降,在踝关节处调节重力线的前后波动,使其保持在支撑面范围内。关节外观为榫卯,由胫骨和腓骨远端形成盒状榫卯,距骨体形成榫卯(图3.121)。 在解剖位置上,踝关节...
What kind of synovial joint is the ankle? What are the primary movements of the knee joint? What are the muscles that cross both the hip and knee joints and produce actions at both? What are the actions of each of these muscles?
一定是:Pivot Joint 车轴关节或枢轴关节 Spine 是脊柱 femur是股骨
There are several different types of joints in the human body. The knee, for example, is a hinge joint, which opens and closes in one direction. The shoulder, though, is a ball and socket, which enables movement in many directions.
51 – The ankle joint: Plantar pronationdoi:10.1016/B978-0-407-00201-2.50059-8V. JandaMuscle Function Testing
ankle,articulatio talocruralis,mortise joint anklebone,astragal,astragalus,talus- the bone in the ankle that articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle joint leg- a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ...
The ankle is a highly congruent joint with a surface area of 11–13 cm 2. Total ankle replacements have been attempted since the early 1970s and design has continually evolved as the early designs were a failure. This was because the stresses involved and the mutiaxial motion of the ankle...
the ankle joint 美 英 un.踝关节 英汉 un. 1. 踝关节 例句 释义: 全部,踝关节 1. Wereportanunusualdemonstrationofafistulousgascommunicationbetweentheanklejointandganglion of themedialmalleolus. 我们报告之间的踝关节和踝内侧神经瘘天然气沟通不寻常的示范。
PROF. RETZIUS has lately published an account of certain observations on the ftus of Swedes, which, in connection with similar observations recorded by Surgeon Havelock Charles on the Punjabite, he believes to support the Lamarckian view that acquired characters are inherited. He endeavours to ...
Therefore, research is being conducted worldwide to either enhance the existing models or develop new models while understanding the intricacies of the joint more precisely. This paper reviews the anatomical and biomechanical aspects of the ankle joint. Also, the evolution and comparison of clinical ...