the ankle joint 美 英 un.踝关节 英汉 un. 1. 踝关节 例句 释义: 全部,踝关节 1. Wereportanunusualdemonstrationofafistulousgascommunicationbetweentheanklejointandganglion of themedialmalleolus. 我们报告之间的踝关节和踝内侧神经瘘天然气沟通不寻常的示范。
1. a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus 行业词典 动物学 踝 医学 踝:下肢的一部分,在踝关节区,足部紧上方踝关节:足与小腿之间的关节。同articulatio talocruralis距骨:同talus
The flat under surface of the talar component is supported on the prepared upper surface of the talus, the original dome of which has been osteotomized or removed. With the two prostheses in correct positions the tibio-talar joint is converted into a ball and socket type of joint. In a ...
from Chapter 8 / Lesson 14 65K Learn about joints and what is a joint in the body. Discover the types of joints and the most common joint type in the body, as well as the study of joints. Finally, explore types of synovial joints and what ty...
WhattypeofjointistheAnkle? TheAnklejointisaHINGEJOINT TheTALOCRURALJoint MajorLigamentsoftheAnkle LATERALASPECT AnteriorTibiofibular AnteriorTalofibular-3 Calcaneofibular-6 PosteriorTalofibular-9 MajorLigamentsoftheAnkle MEDIALASPECT PosteriorTalotibial PosteriorTalocalcaneal Deltoid MusclesandTendonsaroundtheAnkle...
The ASC first appeared in the 'advanced mesotarsal' ankle joint of the Ornithodira (dinosaurs and their close relatives). In this type of joint, the proximal elements become fixed to the lower leg, and movement occurs only at their distal articular surface. The ASC arguably braces the ...
In 4 patients a non-union of the ankle arthrodesis developed (4.5%). The mean AOFAS score improved from 20.8 to 69.3 points. Conclusion Non-union rates and clinical results of arthrodesis by triangular external fixation of the ankle joint do not differ to internal fixation methods. The ...
Sporting activities account for a significant portion of ankle injuries. While many of these injuries are to the soft tissue structures, fractures are relatively common. Lower-energy injuries such as ankle sprains may result in stable avulsion fractures of the medial or lateral malleoli, while highe...
Dgliding joint Submit Dhinge joint Submit Shoulder joint present between:− View Solution Shoulder joint present between:− View Solution Hinge joint is: View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board
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