A. Washington Irving is regarded as Father of the American short stories. B. Irving’s relationship with the Old World in terms of his literary imagination can hardly be ignored considering his success both abroad and at home. C. Irving’s taste was essentially progressive or radical. D. ...
4、American prosperity and optimism. It was the Roaring Twenties, the decade of bath tub, gin(杜松子酒), the model T, the $5 work day, the first transatlantic flight, and the movie. It is often seen as a period of great advance as the nation became urban and commercial . The decade...
ASketchofAmericanHistory•Thetwoworldwarsinthefirsthalfofthe20thcenturyandtheColdWarthatendedatthecloseofitallexhibitedtheenormousnationalstrengthoftheUnitedStates.•Astheworldentersthe21stcentury,Americastilloccupiesapredominantpositionintheinternationalaffairs.Page3 ASketchofAmericanHistory•However,justover...
Yet, in spite of these dire (可怕的) statistics, the American Stroke Association says that stroke “is preventable and treatable”.2. The faster you recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke and begin treatment, the more like you are to prevent long-term disability and death. ...
(1957). The progressive movement in American education: A perspective. Harvard Educational Review, XXVII, 4, 251-270.Cremin, L. A. (1957). Progressive movement in American education: A perspective. Harvard Educational Review, 27(4), 251-270....
( )7. Nixon was the second President in American history who resigned. ( )8. The black-white racial chasm in post-Civil-Rights-Movement America was highlighted by the savage beating of Martin Luther King by white police officers in 1992. 1. The British established 13 colonies along ___....
According to Goodwyn, the values of the corporate state totally dominates modern American intellectual life, as citizens of industrialized society are taught rules of conduct (in schools, churches and the media) that intimidate them and condition them not to rebel. The Alliance overcame these cultur...
1.Antigua Progressive Movement安提瓜进步运动(安进步运动) 2.The movement of the progressive societies has been uniform in one respect.社会进步运动在一方面是相同的。 3.The Thought and Practice on American Environmental Protection During the Period of the Progressive Movement;美国进步运动时期的环保思想与...
American agriculturecompetitionDebt and Dispossessionfarmersfarm credit1980s farm crisisindividualismmoralityA fierce discontent : the rise and fall of the Progressive movement in America, 1870-1920 Michael McGerr Free Press, c2003doi:10.1080/03612759.2004.10528565Noble, David W...