What do we call a collection of public programs President Franklin Roosevelt instituted to alleviate economic suffering during the Great Depression? What was the main goal of the progressive movement of the early 1900s that helped America experience the rise of modern industrialism?
What economic reform occurred during the Progressive Era? What led to the rise of the populist movement, and what effect did it have? What did the environmental movement accomplish? What is the End It Movement? What was an important labor reform during the Progressive Era?
试题来源: 解析 The Progressive Movement which occurred at the turn of the 20th century, demanded government regulation of the economy and social conditions. The Progressive Movement which occurred at the turn of the 20th century, demanded government regulation of the economy and social conditions....
Throughout the late 20th century and early 21st century, the United States has seen a demographic shift that has started to challenge the majority status of white, anglo-saxon Protestants. While Protestant beliefs were long assumed to the basis of American morals, this change has led to tension...
Ecologist Rachael Winfree recently led a team that looked at pollination of four summer crops (tomato, watermelon, peppers, and muskmelon) at 29 farms in the region of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Winfiree’s team identified 54 species of wild bees that visited these crops, and found that ...
【1-2】(All political action aims at either perseveration or change. When desiring to preserve, we wish to prevent a change to the worse; when desiring to change, we wish to bring about something better. All political action is then guided by some thought of better and worse. But thought...
we've been able to make some progress in changing the trajectory of ALS," Frederick said, adding that the money raised led to "new treatments being developed, new genes being discovered, new global research collaborations and the significant expansion of ALS care and support around the country....
共和党人通常是保守的,寻求保持熟悉的行事方式; Republicans are generally conservative, seeking to maintain familiar ways of proceeding; 民主党人通常是进步派,寻求改变以实现改良。 Democrats generally progressive, seeking changes to enable improvements. 但这些术语可能会发生变化,而且经常被随意重新定义。 But ...
The “traditional view” on the historical decline of child labour has emphasised the role of the approval of effective child labour (minimum wor
The policy did not reimburse workers for medical expenses, but provided cash payments to workers equal to half their wages in the event of injury or illness. The progressive political movement of the early 1900s led to several proposals to establish compulsory national health insurance. However,...