Abstract:This paper documents the impact of popular media on racial hate by examining the first American blockbuster: 1915's The Birth of a Nation, a fictional portrayal of the KKK's founding rife with racist stereotypes. Exploiting...
《The American Economic Review》中首次关注与传统实证方法不同的中国环境(雾霾)自然实验研究的论文研读分享 Scholar Song Scholar;Data&Paper SharingBarwick P J , Li S , Lin L ,et al.From Fog to Smog: the Value of Pollution Information[J].NBER Working Papers, 2019.DOI:10.3386/W26541. Title:从...
罗伯特 m .索洛|经济史与经济学(source:the american economic review) 当代经济学基金会 2023-11-29 11:25 发表于 北京 以下文章来源于economics rules ,作者robert m. solow economics rules . wittt扯犊子的地方——世事无常,开...
The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 90, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 331–375,https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdac020 We develop a multi-sector gravity model with heterogeneous workers to quantify the aggregate and group-level welfare effects of trade. The model generalizes the specific-fact...
”, American Economic Review,102, 94–130). We estimate the model using the structural relationship between China-shock driven changes in manufacturing employment and average earnings across US groups defined as commuting zones. We find that the China shock increases average welfare but some groups ...
hybrid technique which combines desirable aspects of the least favorable and conditional methods. The hybrid approach performs well in simulations calibrated to Wollmann (2018, American Economic Review, 108, 1364–1406), with favorable power and computational time comparisons relative to existing ...
《The American Economic Review》《美国经济评论》影响因子9.17,是具有110年历史的经济学顶级期刊,影响因子9.17,在SSCI经济学类排名第3,是美国经济学会主打期刊,也是《时代周刊》20种、《金融时报》50种桂冠期刊。2022年第7期:●信念扭曲与宏观经济波动●数字成瘾●美国劳动力市场的垄断●生产率冲击、长期合同和收益动...
Mr. Trump also suggested that future security of Ukraine would not be an American problem. “This War is far more important to Europe than it is to us,” he wrote. “We have a big, beautiful Ocean as separation.” Somebody might explain to Trump that oceans aren’t the buffer against ...
Insurance wage-offer disparities by gender: random forest regression and quantile regression evidence from the 2010–2018 American Community Surveys保险行业薪酬提供的性别差异:基于2010-2018年美国社区调查数据的随机森林回归和分位数回归证据 作者 Richard J. Butler (杨百翰大学); Gene Lai(北卡罗来纳大学)摘...