For SPAs, the access token is valid for 1 hour, and once expired, must request another code using the refresh token. In addition to the access token, an id_token that represents the signed-in user to the client application is typically also requested through the same flow and/or a ...
The Basic authentication header is required to send the session's OAuth token, because the client-side implementation of WinRM doesn't support OAuth. To verify that Basic authentication is enabled for WinRM, run the following command in a Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell: Note The following...
并发场景下AES加密失败 rsa加密公钥convertKey异常:401 invalid param 通用密钥库系统中,使用AES GCM算法进行操作,AAD可以为空吗 HUKS解密时,若明文包含中文字符,则解密后明文与原明文不一致 如何获取HarmonyOS签名证书的公钥信息 如何使用用户自定义的pin码(6到16位)进行密钥解锁 huks Native接口编译报错...
1、现象:apiserver 日志报 Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, service account token is not valid yet]" 2、分析原因:K8S集群证书过期,导致网络插件异常,从而导致apisever通讯异常 3、处理方法: 证书更新完,重启calico插件、kube-proxy和metrics-server即可恢复 4、如果还是不行,可能...
In Windows servers, the account that the SQL Server Agent Service runs as requires the following permissions can support SQL Server Agent proxies. Permission to bypass traverse checking (SeChangeNotifyPrivilege) Permission to replace a process-level token (SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege) ...
Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2FA enabled and you must use a personal access token instead of a password. 问题: git执行git clone或者git push报以下错误: 原因: 账号密码验证不通过,密码或者权限不对,导致 Git 操作失败。
This issue occurs because a time-out or limitation is being encountered on the integrations that contain a large number of distribution records. Resolution To resolve this issue, you can adjust the maximum message size quota (maxRece...
Invalid Access Token:{ "code":"AUTH_REQUIRE", "message":"Invalid accessToken", "from": "asgw" } Non-existent service account:{ "code":"AUTH_REQUIRE", "message":"Not found service account by serviceAccountId", "from": "asgw" } ...
For more information about how to obtain the AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user, see Create an AccessKey pair. For more information about how to obtain the AccessKey pair provided by Security Token Service (STS) for a temporarily authorized account, see Use tempor...
Explanation: The Excel Add-in uses Microsoft Entra ID authentication. When authentication occurs, a token is created for the user. That token has an expiration period. After the token has expired, a Microsoft EntraSTS50058 error will occur indicating that "silent sign in failed"....