You are denied by bucket referer policy 问题原因:防盗链校验 解决方案:通过设置Referer白名单以及是否允许空Referer,限制仅白名单中的域名可以访问Bucket内的资源。详情请参见设置防盗链。 Invalid according to Policy: Policy expired 问题原因:PostObject中的Policy表单域无效。
Error: error reading IAM Role (foo-bar-baz): InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid │ status code: 403, request id: 4ca5cd54-8a61-42ff-b849-9169463d1c73 I use an application Leapp, which modifies .aws/credentials on the fly. Contents of that ...
Custom credential providers don't load when you first log on Error 0xCAA5001C Token broker operation failed Facial recognition logon doesn't work after applying Group Policy setting First sign-in fails after deploying an image Holding Shift key while logging off the system can't dis...
I’m trying to mock SQS but getting the following error: InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid. The first thing I’m trying to do isgetQueueUrl- this is where I get the error. It seemt that SDK isn’t being mocked. I’m requiringconst...
Custom credential providers don't load when you first log on Error 0xCAA5001C Token broker operation failed Facial recognition logon doesn't work after applying Group Policy setting First sign-in fails after deploying an image Holding Shift key while logging off the system can't disable automatic...
aws-vault: error: exec: Failed to get credentials for dev: InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid. status code: 403, request id: dd062af4-8bd2-4c14-8825-c6e7e0ea5fa4 "mfa_serial" is definitely set on my .aws/config. Any ideas? 👍 2 johnacl...
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (UnrecognizedClientException) when calling the SendCommand operation: The security token included in the request is invalid. Can anybody tell me how to solve this problem? amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 ssh boto3 Share Improve this question ...
the Microsoft identity platform creates a security token that contains information about the user. This token is signed by the Microsoft identity platform using its private key before being sent back to the application. To verify that the token is valid and originated from Microsoft identity platform...
If Relay token is 0x0, the route to ipv6-address does not recurse to any tunnel because the LSP to the route's next hop is unavailable. <PE2> display bgp vpnv6 vpn-instance vpna routing-table 2001:db8::4:4 128 BGP local router ID : Local AS number : 100 Paths: 1 av...