P7979.【079】the brave little tailor 15:44 P8080.【080】the buddha and the homeless man 10:29 P8181.【081】the cap seller and the monkeys 10:05 P8282.【082】the clever shoemaker 12:31 P8383.【083】the crane and the crab 07:42 P8484.【084】the devil with 3 golden hairs 17:50 ...
仿照例句写句子,注意大小写和标点。(1) The Three Little Pigs √(2) Harry Potter ×(3) a toy panda √(4)
47-The Toymaker and His Daughter Story in English Stories for Teenagers Englis 07:47 48-The Golden Grand Mother Story in English Stories for Teenagers English Fair 11:56 49-The Blue Wishing Ring Story in English Stories for Teenagers English Fairy 12:29 50-Little Joys Story in English ...
他成功地把小猪们的房子吹倒了。 The two little pigs ran down the road. 于是,两只小猪沿着小路往山下跑啊跑。 The wolf said ," Let me in! " 大灰狼吼道:“让我进去!” " No,no,no !" said the three little pigs. “不让进,不让进...
little bugs’ wings will open out.You can interact almost everything on the screen. • Professional audio narration. • Each page has special effects sound. ►►►►► Contact us: experience@iBigToy.net Follow us on Twitter:@iBigToy for updates and time-limited promotions. ...
389-The three little pigs 《三只小猪》 390-Owl Babies 《猫头鹰宝宝》 391-I want a pet 《我想要一只宠物》 392-The Grouchy Ladybug 《爱生气的瓢虫》 393-No Nap 《不想睡午觉》 394-Frog on a log 《木头上的青蛙》 395-只是一个...
T:What are the three little pigs doing? S:They are making the houses. 设计意图:带着问题观看故事的第一部分,帮助学生理解故事大意,捕捉关键信息,激发学生阅读的兴趣。 T:Today let’s make a house with toy bricks.If you got one point,your team will get one brick.Let’s see which group can...
1 - Why do pigs run into trees? To shake out the alligators. I've never seen an alligator In a tre... More ›› 2 - Why did the little pig try to join the Navy? He loved to sing, "Oinkers Aweight"... More ›› 3 - What did the pig say when his brother rolled on...
Toys are necessary for keeping your dogs entertained, busy, and out of trouble. But if your dog can destroy a brand new toy in less than 10 mins, you can definitely make a DIY Dog Toy in No time that ... Read More Dogtionary: Translating Canine Behaviors that Seem Inappropriate to Hum...
【听故事学英语】《小蜜蜂玛雅The Honeybee Maya》 166519:18 【听故事学英语】《我喜欢我的新玩具I Love My New Toy》 146910:43 【听故事学英语】《喂!是奶奶吗?Hello! Is that Grandma?》 131015:28 【听故事学英语】《非常安静的蟋蟀The Very Quiet Cricket》 119219:39 【听故事学英语】《青蛙和癞蛤...