'The Three Little Pigs'(三只小猪)是一个经典的英语寓言故事,它以其简单而富有教育意义的情节在全球范围内广受欢迎。以下是对该故事的详细解析: 一、故事概述与核心情节 'The Three Little Pigs'讲述了三只小猪分别用稻草、树枝、砖头建造房子的故事。大灰狼出现后,轻易地吹倒...
The three little pigs were safe and happy in their strong brick house.三只小猪终于安全了,他们开心地住在坚固的砖房里。And they lived happily ever after!从此,他们幸福地生活在一起!核心词汇 1. Pig– 小猪 2. Wolf– 狼 3. House– 房子 4. Straw– 稻草 5. Wood– 木头 6. Bricks– 砖块 ...
童话故事 | Sima Guang and the Water Tank 司馬光砸缸 英语教具制作 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不看此公众号内容 【爆笑】偷吃小鱼干被罚站 米小圈 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不看此公众号内容 绘本故事(第796期):大红狗懂礼貌 ...
The Three Little Pigs 古人说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”的确,读书,可以拓宽我们的眼界,获得丰富的知识;读书,能引导我们明理,学会如何做个有修养的人;今天分享的英语小故事叫《Three little pigs》,读完这篇故事,我们可以让孩子们...
The three little pigs三只小猪Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One day, they decided to leave home and build houses of their own.中The first little pig thought The second little pig thought The third little pig thought he could use straw to build a he could use sticks to...
The Three Little Pigs·三只小猪。生动有趣的英文故事让学英语也变得简单..., 视频播放量 219、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 6、转发人数 1, 视频作者 每日呆在这理发店, 作者简介 ,相关视频:能听懂这段英文,说明你真的很厉害哦,英语学习 英文短片
The three little pigs want to build houses.( )2. Peter gets some straw.)3. The wolf eats the little pigs at last. 答案 三只小猪译文]比尔:让我们在这儿建我们的房子。彼得:好的,比尔。鲍勃:那是个好主意,比尔。比尔:这儿有一些稻草。让我来建一座稻草房子。彼得:这儿有一些木头。让我来建一座...
The-Three-Little-Pigs中英文童话The Three Little Pigs N--- narrator, MP--- Mother pig , FP--- first pig, SP--- Second pig, TP--- Third pig, M---man N: Once upon a time there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. The three little pigs grew so big that their mother ...
Today 's story is “The three litlle pigs” 欢迎来到绘本世界! 我是Sunny ,May是我的妈妈。 我妈妈说:“绘本是宝宝的第一书,是认识世界的桥梁” 加入我们吧! 今天的故事是:TheThree little pigs《三只小猪》 The three little pigs are brothers. They are going into the forest. They want to build...
英文名称:The 3 Little Pigs 内容分类:课外阅读 , 童话、民间故事和神话 适读年龄:5(3~7) 绘本页数:共11页 单词统计:词汇量101 总词数244 阅读时长:5-15分钟 绘本简介: This classic tale of three little pigs and a big, bad wolf is sure to captivate your young reader!