Schedule theemail.You can write theemailafter yourinterviewso that it is fresh in your mind. However, you might want to schedule it so that it appears in their inbox at the right time. We recommend scheduling it for the first half of their next workday. 10 Great Sample Thank-You Emails...
Offer flexible scheduling – not everyone needs, or wants, to be in the office at 8:00 a.m. Or, you could offer telecommuting days. Send handwritten thank-you notes when someone goes above and beyond the requirements of the job. Create "free day" coupons that a worker could use for a...
Thank you ImmD. Let no one in Hong Kong say that you do not care. We know you do.
CompleteandreturntheApplicationPart1:Pre-Application.Weshouldreceivethispriortoschedulingyourpersonalinterviewandtour. ScheduleapersonalinterviewandtourofthecampusthroughtheO,ceofAdmissionat978-499-3120.AppointmentsmaybescheduledMondaythroughFridayduringtheacademicday.Ifdistanceprecludesavisittocampus,pleasecontactusandwe...