have joined the canon of American instead of Southeast Asian writers. Both of them render their stories from the childhood first-hand experiences; Ratner was a child when Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia, while Nguyen, also a child, fled Vietnam in a refugee boat. Both writers weaved pieces...
Viet Thanh Nguyen Is there a character you identify with? The sympathizer. [Smiles.] His narrative energy? His conflicted worldview? As a critic and a scholar, I have a lot of things I feel and want to say about all these different issues the novel touches on. But I couldn’t write ...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Do, A.T.K.; Kralli, V.E.; De Vries, S.; Nguyen, V.T.; Stive, M.J.F. Morphodynamics of a Seasonal Inlet: A Case Study Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling for Cua Dai Inlet, Central Vietnam. In Proceedings of the APAC 2019, Singapore, 20...