Mimi Thi Nguyen,We Are the Ones We've Been Looking For(collected columns and zines). Mimi Thi Nguyen,The Promise of Beauty.Duke University Press, 2024. Patty Ahn, Michelle Cho, Vernadette Vicuna Gonzalez, Rani Neutill, Mimi Thi Nguyen, and Yutian Wong, eds.Bangtan Remixed: A ...
Richard Dean Burns, Joseph M. Siracusa, and Jason C. Flanagan. American Foreign Relations since IndependenceNguyen Thi Thuy Hang
Tribute to Richard (Dick) Birge Baldauf Jr. (1943–2014): A distinguished scholar and an inspiring mentordoi:10.1080/14664208.2014.940688KerrySchoolTaylor-LeechSchoolHoaSchoolThiSchoolMaiSchoolNguyenSchoolM.SchoolObaidulSchoolHamidSchoolCatherineSchool
Meijer, Hugo. (Ed.) Origins and Evolution of the US Rebalance toward Asia: Diplomatic, Military, and Economic DimensionsNguyen Thi Thuy Hang
它們都是從Thác Dray Sap地區(通常被稱為Dray Sac瀑布)採集到的標本,這個地區位於越南中部高原。Thi Thuy NguyenYogesh JoshiRobert Lücking王欣宇Nguyen Anh Dzung高榮珍,許宰銑臺灣大學生命科學院Taiwania
調查結果發現有二種魚虱Caligus epidemicus及C. multispinosus。又,在皮膚或鰓部發現魚虱的幼虫。本研究結果得知寄主種類間及相同寄主種間之寄生虫負荷均會因環境而異。Dung The VoGlenn Allan BristowDung Huu NguyenDung Thi Vo臺灣水產學會臺灣水產學會刊
Deep ground-water investigation by combined VESVan Ngoc PhamDaniele BoyerThi Kim Thoa NguyenVan Giang Nguyen
[Co.sub.3][O.sub.4] catalysts on Ce[O.sub.2]-Zr[O.sub.2] supports and [Co.sub.3][O.sub.4]-Ce[O.sub.2] catalysts on [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3]/Si[O.sub.2] supports for the oxidation of propyleneTien The NguyenPhuong Thi Mai P...
Thi Dleu Linh NguyenHai-Yan XuScience and Engineering Publishing CompanyInternational Journal of Advances in Management ScienceConflict analysis based on rough set in E-commerce. Xueshan Han,Haiyan Xu. Internationaljournanl of advances in management science . 2013...
regulation and association with clinical markers THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Paul S. Miller SarkisPhuong Thi NguyenAntisense oligonucleotides are valuable research tools that can be use to control gene expression and identify potential therapeutic targets. In addition, antisense...