817 TGF- SIGNALING AND THE FIBROTIC RESPONSE to which LTBP is bound, from the amino-terminal portion of the protein (18). The TGF- activators found thus far are proteins intimately associated with the wound healing response. For example, the plasmin ...
关键词:TGFβ1/Smad;信号通路;肾间质纤维化;中药单方;复方中药 中图分类号:R284.2文献标志码:A文章编号:1674-8999(2014)06-0780-03 RegulationofTraditionalChineseMedicineTGF-beta1/SmadSignalingPathways InterventionMechanismofRenalInterstitialFibrosis ZhangLinqi 1 ,WangQing 1 ,WangZetian 2 1.TheFirstAffiliated...
TGF-β信号通路 1. The roles oftransforming growth factor beta signalingand cellular adhesion molecules in non-small cell lung carcinoma; TGF-β信号通路及细胞黏附分子在非小细胞肺癌的研究 更多例句>> 2) TGF-β/BMPs signaling pathway TGF-β/BMPs信号通路 ...