一、tftactics.gg 常用阵容评级链接:https://tftactics.gg/tierlist/team-comps 1、阵容评级及站位装备 是我在云顶S1刚开服时,写阵容简报的唯一依据,也是目前在国服玩家中流传度较广的云顶数据网站,不过现在的阵容评级感觉有些滞后,常常是版本更新当天刷新下榜单,然后排名就不动了,但实际上现在每一个版本基本都会有...
Set 13 Tier List TFT Set 13: Into the Arcane Strategy Portal Learn all about TFT Set 13 strategy with MOBAFire's tools and resources. Ourguide to Teamfight Tacticsby Sovereign Kitten will help get you started with the new set if you're a beginner TFT or just want to learn the new ...
tft sets from worst to best. this article is sponsored by metatft . head over to metatft and discover the best augments, items, and team comps. check out the new leaderboard for the best players and their builds. top 10 little legends in teamfight tactics tft set’s tierlist ranking s:...
Double Up Champion BuildsExplore Double Up Tier ListsExplore Champion Tier List Comp Tier List Trait Tier List Item Tier List Top TFT CompsBrowse Comps S+ S+ S+ S+ S Top Trait GuidesBrowse Traits S+ S+ S+ S S Top Champion BuildsBrowse Champions S A A A S TFT Tier ListsBrowse Tier...
This tier list shows what order to prioritize items in the game. See below for descriptions. Recurve Bowis good in almost every scenario due to attack speed being a powerful stat for almost every champion in the game. Needlessly Large Rodis good because it builds into Guinsoo's Rageblade an...
Double Up Champion BuildsExplore S+ S+ S S S+ Double Up Tier ListsExplore Champion Tier List Comp Tier List Trait Tier List Item Tier List Top TFT CompsBrowse Comps S+ S+ S+ S+ S+ Top Trait GuidesBrowse Traits S+ S+ S+ S S Top Champion BuildsBrowse Champions S S+ S S+ A TF...
We also don’t want to add too much bloat to the roster—If there are too many different champions, many builds will become too risky to pursue.o, to add some fresh faces to the mix, we’ll be removing a few champions and traits as well. That’s where we’ll start: out with the...
Lilia’s ultimate VFX doesn’t get hidden by large champion health bars, Darius empowered attacks deal the correct amount of damage to spell shields, and more. I also built tools to remove experience and manipulate levels on champions in internal testing builds to slow down playtests if needed...
as her comp has climbed to a 4.3 average in our data. Oddly enough, her go-to comp starts looking weirdly weak in the PBE data after this. For our PBE update on the 24th, we give Super Syndra a more significant nerf, but we also fix a bug with her high Attack Speed builds (this...
Keep in mind, these combinations are what we believe to be the most effective for the current Set 6.5 meta, and with updates every three months or so, these favoured builds won’t be on top for too long. TFT comps tier list Hextech and Bruiser traits are particularly popular and high...