一、tftactics.gg 常用阵容评级链接:https://tftactics.gg/tierlist/team-comps 1、阵容评级及站位装备 是我在云顶S1刚开服时,写阵容简报的唯一依据,也是目前在国服玩家中流传度较广的云顶数据网站,不过现在的阵容评级感觉有些滞后,常常是版本更新当天刷新下榜单,然后排名就不动了,但实际上现在每一个版本基本都会有...
Set 13 Tier List TFT Set 13: Into the Arcane Strategy Portal Learn all about TFT Set 13 strategy with MOBAFire's tools and resources. Ourguide to Teamfight Tacticsby Sovereign Kitten will help get you started with the new set if you're a beginner TFT or just want to learn the new ...
Discover the ultimate companion for mastering Teamfight Tactics with our cutting-edge application. Get access to the latest champions, items, synergies, and tier lists, all seamlessly integrated into your TFT Mobile experience. Here's what sets us apart: ...
remix rumble, the team behind the game has also announced that they will be bringing back old sets for players to play in some form soon. with that said, now is the perfect time to see which sets would be the best to return to as esports illustrated’s tft expert breaks down the top...
Double Up Champion BuildsExplore Double Up Tier ListsExplore Champion Tier List Comp Tier List Trait Tier List Item Tier List Top TFT CompsBrowse Comps S+ S+ S+ S+ S Top Trait GuidesBrowse Traits S+ S+ S+ S S Top Champion BuildsBrowse Champions S A A A S TFT Tier ListsBrowse Tier...
Patch 11.4 inTFThas brought about a meta filled with four-cost Chosenunitswithcompslike Olaf Slayer and DragonSol ranking in at S-plus tier. Flying under the radar, though, is a solid build using Sivir as the primary carry and Kindred as the secondary option. ...
Tier Four (four-cost): Unchanged at 10 Tier Five (five-cost): Unchanged at Nine A major reason for the bag size increase is that Riot added a one-cost unit to the champion pool for TFT Set 12. Instead of 13, three are 14 Tier One champions. To compensate for the bag changes, the...
S+ S+ S+ S+ Double Up Trait GuidesExplore S+ S+ S+ S S Double Up Champion BuildsExplore S+ S+ S S S+ Double Up Tier ListsExplore Champion Tier List Comp Tier List Trait Tier List Item Tier List Top TFT CompsBrowse Comps S+ S+ S+ S+ S+ ...
Tier TFT comp S Hextech Sivir, Chemtech Bruisers, Renata Bruisers A Mutants, Debonair Draven, Strikers, Bruisers, Innovators, Socialite Irelia, Enforcer Jin, Twitch Reroll B Yordles, Syndicate Ahri, Twinshots C Snipers, Challenger Chemtech TFT comps – best meta builds Hextech Sivir The...
Complete Ninja Time Beginner Guide – Leveling, Builds & More Sudhanyo ChatterjeeSudhanyo Chatterjee Rayed Nawaz Rayed is a fifth-year student of medicine. His gaming journey started on his hand-me-down PlayStation 1. From that to Xbox, and finally to PC. In his free time, he likes to ...