Updated festivized items to use "Festivized" in the name instead of "Festive". This will help disinguish the original Festive weapons from weapons that have had a Festivizer applied to them.漏洞2011节日武器的彩灯在死亡之后不显示。 节日紧急逃跑手套无论在什么队伍都是红色的。 节日十字军之弩和...
Takes values from 1 to 26, each representing a different projectile, and not all projectiles work on all weapons additive override_projectile_type 281 energy weapon no ammo 不需要弹药 additive energy_weapon_no_ammo 282 energy weapon charged shot 辅助开火能力:发射的蓄力弹对玩家造成 迷你爆击...
Festivized (e.g. a StrangeMinigunwould remain in Strange quality after the tool is used). However, when applied toStock weapons, they are converted fromNormalquality toUniquequality. Applying a Festivizer also adds the prefix "Festivized" to the front of a weapon's name, changes its...
Takes values from 1 to 26, each representing a different projectile, and not all projectiles work on all weapons additive override_projectile_type 281 energy weapon no ammo 不需要彈藥補給 additive energy_weapon_no_ammo 282 energy weapon charged shot 次要攻擊:發射出蓄氣光雷進行攻擊 可癱瘓...
This can be fixed by switching weapons. Rockets fired underwater that leave the water retain their trail of bubbles instead of using the regular flame particles used on land.TriviaDespite the Rocket Launcher's animation indicating high recoil, real rocket launchers have no recoil at all, as ...
Some trading communities have adopted a verify system that can be very useful to the traders. If your trading spot has it, be aware of it.交易种类There are several different types of trading: Scrap banking - an act where a player charges metal for weapons. Scrap bankers will usually exchan...
Festivized TomislavLevel 5 Minigun The Festivizer tool can be used to Festivize certain weapons, adding Christmas lights to their models. Taunt: The Fubar FanfareLevel 1-100 Special TauntCommunity Created Soldier Taunt"Freedom isn't free, maggots! Guess the price! Wrong! That is too high!
There are currently 631 cosmetics that can have one of 307 total effects, 106 taunts that can have one of 155 total effects, and 44 weapons that can have one of 5 effects. Unusual items can primarily be obtained through opening Mann Co. Supply Crates and cases. There is a less than 1%...
Some trading communities have adopted a verify system that can be very useful to the traders. If your trading spot has it, be aware of it. Types of trading There are several different types of trading: Scrap banking - an act where a player charges metal for weapons. Scrap bankers will ...
The weapon requires a short period of time to spin up and down before and after firing; during this period and while firing the Heavy cannotjumpor switch weapons, has his speed reduced to approximately 47% of his regularmovement speed, and cannot move at all whilecrouching. The spin up ca...