New Festive Weapons! 29 New Cosmetic Items! We've also made a change to MvM loot drops. Specifically, in addition to the usual Botkiller drops, there's now a chance to get Australium weapons (including the incredibly rare Golden Frying Pan) to all advanced and expert MvM tours. The tours...
聖誕武器(Festive weapons)是一種物品的特殊分類。這些聖誕武器都是全職業的各種武器纏上了由電池發電的、可發光的聖誕燈飾的外觀改變版本,就像歡樂礦工帽一樣。這些聖誕武器上有綠色的、黃色的,還有團隊色彩的燈飾,這些團隊色彩燈飾在背包圖像裡顯示的則是有紅色的、同時也有藍色的。在這之中唯一的例外是「聖誕」樣...
节日武器(Festive weapons)是一种特殊类别的物品。这类武器均装点着由电池供电的彩灯,同饰品圣诞彩灯类似。这些彩灯会发出绿色、黄色与团队色的光芒,且它们的背包图标会同时显示红色与蓝色两种颜色。唯一的例外是节日黏性炸弹发射器——在默认式样下,它的彩灯是白色的。某些节日武器还附有一些其它装饰品,如晃动的铃铛...
'''节日武器(Festive weapons)'''是一种特殊类别的[[items/zh-hans|物品]]。它们是由[[Self-illumination/zh-hans|点亮]]的[[w:Christmas lights|彩灯]](同饰品[[Industrial Festivizer/zh-hans|圣诞彩灯]]相类似)包装着的[[Weapons/zh-hans|武器]]。这些彩灯会以绿色、黄色与团队色发光,且它们的[[backpa...
Festivemay refer to: Weapons Festive weapons, limited versions of existing weapons. This is a disambiguation page that lists articles with similar titles, acronyms, and/or articles that fall under a similar type. If aninternal linkled you here, you may wish to change the link to point directl...
奇异(Strange)品质的节日化武器(Festive weapons)的缩写。 Shield 指爆破手的盾牌副武器:冲锋盾,辉煌护盾或力挽狂澜。 Shpee 对使用间谍新手或是经验不足的玩家的搞笑称呼,字面上意思间谍是一种小动物(间谍蟹)。 Sidestab(侧身刺) 主条目: 背刺 从敌人的侧身而非背部发动背刺。由于背刺的判定范围足够大,所以间谍...
when applied toStock weapons, they are converted fromNormalquality toUniquequality. Applying a Festivizer also adds the prefix "Festivized" to the front of a weapon's name, changes itsbackpackicon to reflect its new in-game appearance (wrapped with festive lights), and adds "Festivized" in ...
AddedFestivevariant. Bugs Sometimes the player gets stuck in the reloading animation in world view while playing as a Soldier. This can be fixed by switching weapons. Thestockvariant of the Shotgun has a different viewmodel position compared to non-stock variants of the weapon. ...
In addition to backstabbing, the Knife swings instantly once the fire button is pressed, unlike other melee weapons in the game which have a delay before the attack actually occurs. This lets the player react quicker in melee combat when compared to other classes. This applies to all the Spy...
Description Tag Used to change the description of weapons or cosmetic items. Purchase Drop Uncrate Paint Can Used to change the coloring of most cosmetic items. See also: Paint Can Decal Tool Used to change the image on the Flair!, Photo Badge, Clan Pride, or Conscientious Objector. ...