Chatbox On The Bottom:勾选这个聊天区则在左下,否则则为左上。 Centered Team/Class Select:勾选不勾选为下方图片显示。 默认 默认 勾选 勾选 Crosshair Outline:勾选这个将在hud自带准心描粗黑边,注意不是游戏内置或者cfg准心,并且前提是要设置使用hud准心。 Transparent Viewmodels:勾选这个就会像上面图片一样...
Round timer is now as big in centered mode as it is in default mode (outside casual and matchmaking) Texts in main menu buttons are now all caps regardless of the font you use Top left chat override: Fixed chat changing position after a match Moved ToonHUD's animations to a new file ...