Develop once, publish everywhere! Unity is the ultimate tool for video game development, architectural visualizations, and interactive media installations - publish to the web, Windows, OS X, Wii, Xbox 360, and iPhone with many more platforms to come.
纹理图片用于任何HUD / GUI控件(图形用户界面),选择此项。如果纹理的大小非2的整数次幂,且纹理的类型被设定为GUI,Unity 会将该纹理强制转换为 Truecolor格式。 4、Sprite(2D and UI):2D 和 UI 精灵图片。如果你的纹理在 2D 游戏中被用作精灵图片,选择此类型。 5、cursor:图标文件。纹理适用于光标所用的纹理...
下面是本书中的实例图片(5084_Code/Unity assets/5084_02_UnityAssets/Textures/Chapter02_SpriteSheet005.png): 创建一个新的Shader和一个新的Material,名称分别为AnimateSprites; 新建一个场景,名为AnimateSprites_Scene,在场景中添加平行光,创建一个新的平面,并把上一步中的Material设为其材质,将第一步中的图片...
Android 2D Textures OverridesWhen you are building for different platforms, you have to think about the resolution of your textures for the target platform, the size and the quality. You can set default options and then override the defaults for a specific platform....
【Unity Shaders】Using Textures for Effects——打包和混合textures,本系列主要参考《UnityShadersandEffectsCookbook》一书(感谢原书作者),同时会加上一点个人理解或拓展。这里是本书所有的插图。这里是本书所需的代码和资源(当然你也可以从官网下载)。===
Find the best 2D Textures & Materials assets & packs for your gaming project. Elevate your workflow with Unity Asset Store’s top-rated assets.
这次内容主要讲如何使用sprite sheets制作2D动画。在Unity中,实际上已经有很多插件可以完成这个工作,例如2dTookit,新版的Unity中支持2D应该也会提供类似的功能了。虽然如此,我还是希望通过这篇文章可以更深入地理解2D动画的原理。说到动画的原理,先要提到一个名词,sprite atlas,也可以称为image sequence,实际上就是一张...
However, NPOT Texture sizes generally take slightly more memory and might be slower for the GPU to sample, so it’s better for performance to use power of two sizes whenever you can.If the platform or GPU does not support NPOT Texture sizes, Unity scales and pads the Texture up to the ...
Ready to Use:All textures are optimized for immediate import into Unity projects, requiring no additional setup or modifications. Suitable for Projects Like: 2D Platform Games 3D Landscapes and Environment Design Virtual and Augmented Reality
打开Unity,创建一个新的Shader和一个新的Material,名字分别为ScrollingUVs; 确保你已下载相关资源,将第二章所需资源(在Unity assets下)导入Unity; 新建一个场景,名为ScrollingUV_Scene,并新建一个光源。找到第二步中导入Unity中的模型River_GRP.fbx,拖入新建的场景中,调节摄像机位置,使River_GRP出现在合适的视角范...