'package:flutter/src/material/input_decorator.dart': Failed assertion: line 945 pos 7: 'layoutConstraints.maxWidth < double.infinity' Either the assertion indicates an error in the framework itself, or we should provide substantially more information in this error message to help you determine and...
在ErrorTextField中包含多行详细信息的方法是使用Flutter的自定义组件。你可以创建一个自定义的错误提示框,其中包含多行详细信息。 以下是一个示例代码,演示如何在ErrorTextField中包含多行详细信息: 代码语言:txt 复制 import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class MultiLineErrorTextField extends StatefulWi...
flutter: flutter: Either the assertion indicates an errorinthe framework itself, or we should provide substantially flutter: more informationinthis error message to help you determine and fix the underlying cause. flutter: In either case, please report this assertion by filing a bug on GitHub: fl...
image.png 原因分析: UICompatibilityInputViewController是UIViewController的子类,我在UIViewController的category中重写了dealloc析构方法,导致UICompatibilityInputViewController过度释放而崩溃 解决办法: 注释掉category中的dealloc方法(使用方法交换后仍然会过度释放) UIViewController+Extension.m 最后...
I tried your code on a few different devices and couldn't get the error message: iPhoneXS simulator iOS 14 flutter: a flutter: 1 flutter: ab flutter: 2 flutter: abc flutter: 3 flutter: abc flutter: 5 flutter: abc d flutter: 6 Pixel 3a emulator API 30 I/flutter (14243):...
A Cast Error is appearing when you use a numeric keyboard on Numeric TextFields. Steps to Reproduce import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class Prueba extends StatefulWidget { const Prueba({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<Prueba> createState() => _PruebaState(); } class...
flutter无法运行 Error retrieving device properties for ro.product.cpu.abi: Error retrieving device properties for ro.product.cpu.abi: 这是因为 在flutter升级后,platform-tools 28.0.3 自带的bug, 详情请查看 https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/33938解决办法:将platform-tools的版本升级到 29.0.1 ...
;文本输入框”,去掉文本字段(TextField)组件默认样式的文本输入框。 然后就可以开始进行编码了。 第1步:绘制组件树第2步:实现“黑色圆角边框” 通过容器...” 在Flutter中,输入文本只能用文本字段(TextField)组件,但是你需要把它的默认装饰和边框都去掉,再设置一下下字体大小、颜色就好了。 第4步:还原效果 text...
[ERROR:flutter/shell/platform/windows/task_runner_window.cc(56)] Could not post message to main thread. The application freezes and the message will infinitely loop until you close the application via Task Manager or end the debugging session in VSCode. ...