1.使用TextToSpeech朗读文字 这个方法是Android自带的,如果你觉得百度语音合成太麻烦了,你可以使用这种方法,但是我感觉这种方法的声音不好听,所有我选择去实现百度语音合成。 这个方法的实现可以参考这篇博客使用TextToSpeech朗读文字,经过我测试,是可以实现基本的功能的,我就不做过多解释了,你如果想实现这个功能,你可以...
Text to Speech for Android Application with Google API text-to-speechspeechttstexttospeechtts-androidandroid-tsstexttospeech-android UpdatedMar 19, 2017 Java The TTS-Engine is a simple and efficient library that provides Text-to-Speech functionality for Android applications. The library uses state-...
Text to speech (TTS) can convert text information into audio output in real time. Rich timbres are provided and the volume and speed can be adjusted (5x adjustment is supported for Chinese and English), thereby natural voices can be produced. This service uses the deep neural network (DNN)...
要使用TextToSpeech类,首先需要在AndroidManifest.xml中添加以下权限: <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"/><uses-permissionandroid:name="androi...
Speechutils Speechutils is an Android library that helps to implement apps that need to include speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionality. For example, it provides methods foraudio recording and encoding aggregating speech-to-text and text-to-speech services playing audio cues before/after ...
一、概述 TextToSpeech,就是将文本内容转换成语音,在其他的一些应用中经常可以看到。这个功能还是挺强大的,但是用户利用它来编写应用却很简单。二、要求 能够将文本内容转换成语音并朗读出来;可以一次全部朗读出来,也可以边写边读;可以将文本保存为语音文件。三、实现
2 TextToSpeech 调用 TextToSpeech API 是为 TTS 调用准备,总体比较简单。最主要的是提供初始化 TTS ...
speech.speak(string,TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH,null,null); 4.播报完成,或者页面结束时,释放资源 speech.stop();// 不管是否正在朗读TTS都被打断speech.shutdown();// 关闭,释放资源 5.扩展内容(播报内容保存音频文件) 在Android 5.0 及更高版本中,使用 synthesizeToFile() 方法将文本转换为语音,并指定要保存...
在Android中,你可以使用自带的TextToSpeech(TTS)引擎来实现文字转语音功能。以下是使用自带的TextToSpeech的基本步骤:1. 在onCreate()方法中,创建一个Text...
Fortunately, there are a number of text to speech apps that can convert written text to natural-sounding voice and save you much trouble. Here's my top pick of the best text to speech apps for Android. I strongly recommend that every Android user should keep one in handy. For listening ...