You can create a text symbol for any text literal by double-clicking the literal in the ABAP Editor and replacing the literal with the text symbol. You should use text symbols in your program whenever they need to be language-specific - for example, in a WRITEstatement....
Text Symbols A text symbol is a named data object of an ABAP program that is not declared in the program itself and instead is defined as a part of the text elements of the program. A text symbol has the data type c and the length defined in the text elements by mlen. A...
The program should be changed so that the internal table i_texttable is global, and a global flag g_loaded added. The load of the table should be moved to the PBO module. The changes in thje code are marked with red. The whole program now looks like this: Code REPORT sapmz_hf_contro...
Solved: Hi, I'm working on SAP standard text (transaction SO10) with text symbol as &TEXT& and I have to replace all text symbol with corresponding value. First I have
REPOSRC 的 DATA 字段,存放的就是 SAP ABAP 系统所有 ABAP 对象的源代码文本(压缩之后的版本)。 RIS_PROG_TADIR 是一张映射表,存放的是 ABAP 对象和存储其源代码的 ABAP 报表名称的一一映射关系。 笔者之前的文章介绍过,比如一个 ABAP 类有三个方法 A,B,C. 这三个方法的源代码,分别存储在名为 a,b,c ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi You can try: TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE: Replace symbol with value TEXT_SYMBOL_SETVALUE: Set value of a symbol Instead of using text symbols ( Text-001) you can also use T001 and then you can assign values to it. These can be used in place of text ...
长文本(Long Text) 的读取,通过 ABAP 函数 READ_TEXT 完成。 SAP ABAP 长文本读取函数 READ_TEXT 的参数说明 我们在这个函数里设置断点,然后打开 UI,断点会触发,我们记录下该函数被调用时,在 ABAP 调试器里观察到的各个输入参数传入的值内容。 下文是详细介绍。 汪子熙 181 次咨询 5.0 电子科技大学 计算机系...
I used below ABAP SELECT statement from TCURT currencies table for an SAP Invoice Smartforms output in order to display currency text of a given currency code parameter. SELECT ktext INTO TABLE lt_ktext FROM TCURT WHERE spras = 'IT' AND ...
修改EXCEL的兼容性模式从开始菜单中找到excel->更多->打开文件位置->右键属性->打开文件所在位置->右键excel的属性-兼容性-兼容模式中(将以管理员身份运行此程序去掉&勾选以兼容模式运行此程序 Created bySmruti Ranjan Mohanty, last modified onOct 09, 2013Go to start of metadata Reference Link: Note 933420 - ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE ...