Text elements in an ABAP program are stored in ABAP Editor (see Text Element Maintenance).In the text pool, each text symbol is identified by a three-character ID. Text symbols have a content, an occupied length, and a maximum length....
2. Double-click one of the entries in the WRITE statement.If the text symbol does not exist, a dialog box appears.3. Confirm that you want to create the text symbol.The text symbol maintenance screen appears:4. Enter your text.
在SET_TEXTSYMBOL函数之前,要调用 INIT_TEXTSYMBOL进行初始化,在最后用函数REPLACE_TEXTSYMBOL指定替换的范围,也就是起始行和结束行。 REPORT ztest_so10_symbol. DATA lv_name TYPE thead-tdname. DATA lv_langu LIKE sy-langu VALUE 'EN'. DATA lt_line TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE. DATA...
The program should be changed so that the internal table i_texttable is global, and a global flag g_loaded added. The load of the table should be moved to the PBO module. The changes in thje code are marked with red. The whole program now looks like this: Code REPORT sapmz_hf_contro...
REPOSRC 的 DATA 字段,存放的就是 SAP ABAP 系统所有 ABAP 对象的源代码文本(压缩之后的版本)。 RIS_PROG_TADIR 是一张映射表,存放的是 ABAP 对象和存储其源代码的 ABAP 报表名称的一一映射关系。 笔者之前的文章介绍过,比如一个 ABAP 类有三个方法 A,B,C. 这三个方法的源代码,分别存储在名为 a,b,c ...
ABAP--How to use TEXTEDIT(SAP 的样例摘抄) Use SE75 to create your own custom text ID for SAVE_TEXT object Example 1: Creating the TextEdit control Example 2: Event handling - Application event Example 3: Event handling - System event...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi You can try: TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE: Replace symbol with value TEXT_SYMBOL_SETVALUE: Set value of a symbol Instead of using text symbols ( Text-001) you can also use T001 and then you can assign values to it. These can be used in place of text ...
通过实际的例子,介绍 SAP ABAP 里的 Repository Information System 的使用技巧 ABAP function module 的使用 ABAP subroutine 的定义和使用 ABAP 中的变量和常量 ABAP 编程语言中的系统字段(System Fields) 什么是 ABAP Field Symbol ABAP 引用类型介绍 最浅显易懂的 SAPGUI 里 ABAP 调试器的使用方法介绍 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi Experts, I have one selection screen having a check box and text symbol. SELECTION-SCREEN:PUSHBUTTON 1(10) pu_attr USER-COMMAND push1. PARAMETERS ch_docu AS CHECKBOX MODIF ID FST. SELECTION-SCREEN CO...
I used below ABAP SELECT statement from TCURT currencies table for an SAP Invoice Smartforms output in order to display currency text of a given currency code parameter. SELECT ktext INTO TABLE lt_ktext FROM TCURT WHERE spras = 'IT' AND ...