SAP提供了Text Elements组件,能方便地实现栏目名的自定义。 使用该功能,首先必须先进入ABAP的编辑环境,操作路径在主菜单:GOTO-->Text Elements(下图所示),文本的维护亦可能过TCODE:SE32来实现。 Text Element共包括三个部分,而且设置值与当前使用的语言版本有关。若程序存在多个语言版本,则需要在相关语言环境中分别...
When a text element is changed or translated, there is no need to change the actual program code. Text elements in an ABAP program are stored in the ABAP Editor (see Text Element Maintenance).In the text pool, each text symbol is identified by a three-character ID. Text symbols have a...
Textelemente wurden in der Orginalsprache gepflegt.VorgehensweiseSo gehen Sie vor, um vom Einstiegbild der ABAP Workbench Textelemente eines Programms zu übersetzen: Wählen Sie den Menüpfad Hilfsmittel ® Übersetzung ® Kurz- und Langtexte.Sie gelangen auf das Einstiegsbild der Ü...
In the elements list enter the name OK_CODE for the element of type OK. The code REPORT sapmz_hf_controls1 . 1. CONSTANTS: 1. line_length TYPE i VALUE 254. 1. DATA: ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm. 1. DATA: 1. * Create reference to the custom container 1. custom_container TYPE REF T...
REPOSRC 的 DATA 字段,存放的就是 SAP ABAP 系统所有 ABAP 对象的源代码文本(压缩之后的版本)。 RIS_PROG_TADIR 是一张映射表,存放的是 ABAP 对象和存储其源代码的 ABAP 报表名称的一一映射关系。 笔者之前的文章介绍过,比如一个 ABAP 类有三个方法 A,B,C. 这三个方法的源代码,分别存储在名为 a,b,c ...
0 Kudos 484 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I guess if you translate the text element through SE63 it will solve your problem. For the selection text / list heading might be it taking default data dictionary text which is maintained in german DE language. Regards Reply All...
If you want to use text element in a different language use: SET LANGUAGE lang. Svetlin Reply Former Member 2006 Feb 20 1:23 PM 0 Kudos 91 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi pintu, 1. the default language AUTOMATICALLY comes from login language. 2. The TEXT ELEMENTS are...
In the elements list enter the name OK_CODE for the element of type OK. The code REPORT sapmz_hf_controls1 . CONSTANTS: line_length TYPE i VALUE 254. DATA: ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm. DATA: * Create reference to the custom container ...
Hello, I created a Sap Script, but the text element I defined is not printed whereas pure text lines defined in the same window are printed... Here is how my text
In the elements list enter the name OK_CODE for the element of type OK. The code REPORT sapmz_hf_controls1 . CONSTANTS: line_length TYPE i VALUE 254. DATA: ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm. DATA: * Create reference to the custom container ...