CSS 中文开发手册 文本阴影 | text-shadow (Text Decoration) - CSS 中文开发手册 该text-shadowCSS属性向文本添加阴影。它接受一个以逗号分隔的阴影列表,应用于文本和text-decorations元素。 /* offset-x | offset-y
Text Shadow Thetext-shadowproperty adds shadow to text. In its simplest use, you only specify the horizontal shadow (2px) and the vertical shadow (2px): Text shadow effect! Example h1{ text-shadow:2px 2px; } Try it Yourself »
CSS text-shadow property is used to add shadow to the text. For example, h1 { text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px red; } Browser Output Here, the text-shadow property creates a red shadow behind the text of the h1 element. Syntax of Text-Shadow The syntax of the text-shadow property is as...
CSS declaration: #ex1 { font-size: 24px; text-shadow: 5px 5px #999; } The following HTML, Text-shadow property example 1. renders, Text-shadow property example 1. Notice the text shadow extends to the right of the text by 5px and below the text by 5px. Example 2: Negative ...
想要用css给文本添加阴影效果的前端小伙伴们看过来了,今天这篇文章详细介绍下css3的text-shadow属性。 1. 基本用法 text-shadow属性可以为文本添加一个或多个阴影。每个阴影由以下参数组成: 水平偏移量(x):阴影在水平方向上的偏移量。 垂直偏移量(y):阴影在垂直方向上的偏移量。
The CSS text-shadow property defines shadow effects for the text of an element.Syntax The syntax for the text-shadow CSS property is: text-shadow: none; OR text-shadow: offset-x offset-y [blur-radius] [color]; Parameters or Arguments offset-x Required. It is the horizontal distance that...
该textShadow属性在所有主流浏览器的支持。 注:在Internet Explorer 9及更早版本不支持textShadow财产。 句法 返回textShadow属性: object .style.textShadow 设置textShadow属性: object .style.textShadow="none| Note:该textShadow属性附加一个或多个阴影的文本。 该属性是逗号分隔的阴影列表中,由2个或3个...
The text-shadow property for CSS accepts a comma-separated list of shadow effects to be applied to the text of the element. Syntax CSS text-shadow: value; JS object.style.textShadow = "value"; Values <'text-shadow'> = none | [ <color>? && <length>{2,3} ]# ...
to keep it subtle, to make sure that the content on your page is easy to read. But sometimes you may want to make a small block of text stand out a little more than the rest. In this post, I’ll go over how to use thetext-shadowCSS propertyto add a drop shadow to your text....
The text-shadow CSS property adds shadows to text. It accepts a comma-separated list of shadows to be applied to the text and any of its decorations. Each shadow is described by some combination of X and Y offsets from the element, blur radius, and color