It was removed because it didn't work very well, was slow and buggy. Right now I'm in the process of searching for ways to implement it nicely, but it's not ready yet. I also plan to include color functions and native CSS variables into the release of this feature. Please be patien...
Joern— Open-source code analysis platform for C/C++ based on code property graphs KLEE— A dynamic symbolic execution engine built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure. It can auto-generate test cases for programs such that the test cases exercise as much of the program as possible. ...
using a defined name for the array and not using IF to coerce the Booleans to values. Thanks for the reply. When using a defined name for this I get #Value! error in the cell. The error is A value used in the formula is of the wrong datatype....
You must stop the timer to reset the count to the max of the interval. The interval is the time between ticks. There is nothing else we can use in the timer. The timer internal count reset happens automatically when the timer is stopped or enabled = false. The only diff between enable...
Hi, i´m having problems with loading my cas. i have updated my mods after the lovestruck patch, i don´t know if i update everything but when i enter the cas... - 9349415
$DisabledUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter {(Enabled -eq $false)} -Properties MemberOf | Select-Object Name, MemberOf Foreach ($User in $DisabledUsers) { Write-Host "Username: $($User.Name)" Foreach ($Group in $user.MemberOf) { Write-Host "Group: $Group" ...
Joern— Open-source code analysis platform for C/C++ based on code property graphs KLEE— A dynamic symbolic execution engine built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure. It can auto-generate test cases for programs such that the test cases exercise as much of the program as possible. ...
There is a managed property namedIsDocumentwhich returns document type files if you property search with this set to true. If I upload a file with for example an .ifc extension in my library, then this has false forIsDocument, but true forIsListItem. ...
This Tailwind CSS plugin adds main-axis-* and cross-axis-* utilities for them to help you avoid trying to plug them in the wrong way. Installation Install the plugin: npm install -D tailwindcss-axes Add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js file: module.exports = { plugins: [ require...
Just to add extra details here, I notice when i get the memberGet-MemberofGet-Certificatethe services is not listed as a property, actually its not listed at all, and this is why you will get an empty value ($Null). I will need to see whats going, maybe Exchange mgmt shell l...