SAP应用界面开发:3)Text Elements(文本元素)对象 在SELECT-OPTIONS与PARAMETERS的设计中,我们可以发现它们在屏幕上显示的名称是对象的定义名,但在实际的应用中,我们需要提供某一字段的完整名称以方便用户理解,例如物料字段名MATNR,我们要求其在屏幕显示字段为“Material No”。那程序设计中该如何实现这一需求呢?SAP提供...
SAP提供了Text Elements组件,能方便地实现栏目名的自定义。 使用该功能,首先必须先进入ABAP的编辑环境,操作路径在主菜单:GOTO-->Text Elements(下图所示),文本的维护亦可能过TCODE:SE32来实现。 Text Element共包括三个部分,而且设置值与当前使用的...
The nameless text element of the MAIN window appears only once at the beginning of the main window. It does not appear on the subsequent pages of the form which also contain the main window. The nameless text elements of all other windows (except MAIN) appear each time....
Now i have created the text elements/symbols but when i login in Chinese language i want these texts to be displayed in Chinese during execution of WDA application. In order to achieve this, is there any special settings that we have to do while creating the text elements? Regards, Soumya...
SAP应用界面开发:3)SELECTION-SCREEN 对象(1) 2012-06-27 08:54 −SELECT-SCREEN语句用于创建屏幕的框架结构,主要包括屏幕元素的创建、子屏幕的创建等。子程序主要分为两种,一种为Include Screen,可以通过Report端程序直接调用;另一种为SubScreen,需要通过Screen P... ...
·文件元素(Text Elements)用于储存在文本池中的文字,包括:文本符号、选择文本、列表标题。·文档(Documentation)程…|基于12个网页 3. 参数及属性 工程师突击:SAP... ... 11.1 Form 的基本概念 191 11.3.1Text Elements参数及属性200 11.3.2 Control Commands 参数及设定 … ...
Text elements in an ABAP program are stored in ABAP Editor (see Text Element Maintenance).In the text pool, each text symbol is identified by a three-character ID. Text symbols have a content, an occupied length, and a maximum length....
Solved: Bex Gurus, When we execute the Bex report, it will display with icons on top as Chart, Filter and Information - Information will display all the text elements as
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, Does anyone know how to change the Default Language of a Text Elements in a Report? I have a Z report (originally created in language FR) having Text Elements (Text Symbols and Selection Texts) in FR, and I want to change that from FR to ...
Solved: Hi experts, I have created some text-elements for a report in language EN. When I run the report in language DE it is working fine and text-elements get