reactjs simple text editor 1import React, { Component }from'react'2import PubSubfrom'pubsub'3import GlobalVarsfrom'globalVars'4import stylesfrom'./main.css'56//globalVars.runMode7classText extends Component{8staticdefaultProps ={9text:'文案内容'1011};12constructor(props, context) {13super(prop...
The best rich text editor for React JS applications is Froala. It is a lightweight web editing tool written in JavaScript. It is powerful and super-fast. Also, Froala comes with a beautiful user interface design. Everything looks clean and well-organized. Overall, it’s the best rich text...
使用 在react js 代码中加入以下代码 componentDidMount(){tinymce.init({selector:"textarea.tinymce-editor",theme:"modern",skin_url:'//',height:150,resize:"both",content_css:["//
webpack.config.js Initial commit May 10, 2021 Repository files navigation READMEtext-editor-react A text editor for react with parser to save content to database and render using provided function. The package provides options for bold, italics, underline, add link, justify content, undo, redo...
React Native Rich Text Editor A fully functional Rich Text Editor for both Android and iOS (macOS and windows)? If you want to use flutter, you can check here to add flutter_rich_editor yarn add react-native-pell-rich-editor or npm i react-native-pell-rich-editor Also, follow instruc...
6 Easy Steps to Integrate Rich Text Editor with React: 1 Create a richtext.js file and import files and styles of RichText 2 Create RichText class, which extends the Component class 3 Add an empty container for RichText with the reference to it in the el property using the render() fu...
1、npm i --save react-native-zss-rich-text-editor 2、安装README.md说明: 修改安卓项目下的android/app/build.gradle文件: project.afterEvaluate{applyfrom:'../../node_modules/react-native-zss-rich-text-editor/htmlCopy.gradle';copyEditorHtmlToAppAssets(file('../../node_modules/react-native-zss...
このパッケージには、React用のInputManJSコンポーネントが含まれます。 InputManJS InputManJSのリッチテキストエディタ(GcRichTextEditor)コントロールは、WYSIWYGライクなエディタを提供するコントロールです。 メニューバー、ツールバー、ショートカットなど用途に応じた任意のメニュー項目を...
{ intro: 'React multi-root editor', content: 'Hello from CKEditor 5 multi-root!' }, config: { plugins: [ Essentials, Bold, Italic, Paragraph ], toolbar: { items: [ 'undo', 'redo', '|', 'bold', 'italic' ] }, } }; const { editor, toolbarElement, editableElements...