代码调试:Monaco Editor内置了代码调试功能,可以在编辑器中进行断点设置和调试代码。 多语言支持:Monaco Editor支持多种语言和框架,包括JavaScript、TypeScript、HTML、CSS等。 总的来说,Monaco Editor是一款功能丰富、高性能的Web编辑器,适用于开发人员、写作人员和其他需要进行文本编辑的用户。 ⭐配置monaco-editor ...
The KendoReact WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor is a Rich Text Editor component to help users create rich text within any React application.
textAlign:"left"}}><MonacoEditorwidth="100%"height="600"language="html"value={content}onChange={onChange}options={options}editorDidMount={onEditorDidMount}/></>}export default forwardRef(MonacoHtmlEditor) 💖扩展 可自定义配置语言 可以通过monaco配置语言 import { monaco } from ...
Während das Schreiben einer einfachen React-Komponente in einem Nur-Text-Editor zwar eine gute Einführung in React ist, ist aber der Code, der auf diese Weise generiert wird, sperrig, schwierig zu verwalten und bereitzustellen und langsam. Es gibt einige allgemeine Aufgaben, die Produktions...
Learn here all about Toolbar in Syncfusion React Rich text editor component of Syncfusion Essential JS 2 and more.
Editor Integration If you use Visual Studio Code, there is a Jest extension which works with Create React App out of the box. This provides a lot of IDE-like features while using a text editor: showing the status of a test run with potential fail messages inline, starting and stopping the...
Joinerry is an online community where future developers find group projects. mongodbreactjsexpressjsmern-stackgoogleoauthreactquill UpdatedOct 26, 2022 JavaScript arnaudfl/react-hook-form-quilljs Star1 This repo provides a way to integrate the rich text editor Quill.js with React Hook Form in Re...
It has recent code commits! Look for a 🚀 for truly amazing projects. And look for quickie maintainer commentary and reviews in(italic parens)after some listings of note. See also:Awesome React Frameworks. Maintainers: @petebray — a fast Vite-based React framework that is flexible, lean,...
Editor PDF Viewer Rich Text Editor Word Processor Image Editor BUTTONS Button Button Group Dropdown Menu Progress Button Split Button Chips Floating Action Button Speed Dial INTERACTIVE CHAT AI AssistView PREVIEW INPUTS TextBox TextArea Input Mask Numeric Textbox Radio Button Checkbox Color Picker ...