Red Light Ticket Traffic Tickets (Non-camera) Illegal Window Tint Expiration of Vehicle Registration Speeding Traffic Tickets No Insurance Tickets CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) Violations Texas State Trooper Citations Stop Sign Violations Speeding in a School Zone Tickets ...
Traffic Ticket Lawyer Robert Navar also Defends: Red Light Ticket Citation (Non-camera) Financial Responsibility / No Insurance Ticket CDL License Commercial Drivers License Texas State Trooper Violations Stop Sign Tickets Speeding in School Zone Tickets ...
children in the state of Texas may sit in the front seat of a vehicle at 8-years-old. A simple yet important reminder for everyone that you should be using your seatbelt
That's why inspection stickers exist. We must all remain diligent in maintaining our vehicles in tip top shape. If we don't we can get ticketed, banned from driving it on the road, or even worse, an accident. Be aware. Traffic Stop DWI - BUSTED Doug Menuez Traffic Stop DWI - BUSTED ...
Twelve truck drivers were cited for not using chains during the storm, the Colorado State Patrol said Friday. However, it acknowledged that sometimes trucks will be towed away to get traffic moving before a trooper can arrive to issue a ticket. ...
(hereinafter DPS) Trooper Russell Lynn Boyd was on duty in the Hempstead area from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. His duties involved the enforcement of traffic regulations on state highways. At approximately 6:30 p.m., William and Janie Norris were traveling southbound on Highway 6, ...
Trooper James Scott Burns As Michaela Burns describes her husband, Trooper Scott Bruns, "he was a good man before he became a Trooper but he became a greater man wanting to serve the State of Texas." Scott have it all and laid down his life for Texas. ...