The simple truth is that Washington speeding and traffic tickets have become more difficult to fight and win over the last few years, especially if you were pulled over by a State Trooper. We should know. We fight a number of Washington State speeding and traffic tickets every year. The goo...
I was caught on radar by NY State Trooper doing 79MPH in a 55MPH Zone and tailgating. Both violations together added up to 10 POINTS in my drivers license if found guilty, could have been bundled together for a misdemeanor charge and would have cost me over $6,000 in additional car ins...
More than 70 Tickets Issued by New York State Police New York State Trooper via Facebook The New York State Police posted to Facebook an update on the number of vehicles they have been able to stop and ticket. This past week a total of 57 people in just over four hours were issued t...
A Colorado state trooper watches motorists on the highway ahead of an enhanced DUI enforcement period. CBS Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder and the National Institutes of Standards and Technology say enforcing driving while high has been a conundrum since legalization. "When cannabis...
(Reuters) - Prosecutors in Minnesota on Sunday dismissed charges against a state trooper accused of unintentional murder and manslaughter in the shooting death of Black motorist Ricky Cobb II last year, citing new evidence that weakened their case. The Hennepin County Attorney's Of...
Christmas Lights on I-66 Earn a Traffic Ticket; Illuminated Rear Window Could Distract Other Drivers, Va. State Trooper Tells MotoristPierre Thomas
Sarmiento's 1986 Isuzu Trooper with NY registration D32-55T was found in the parking lot of Gully's Restaurant, Front Street, city of Newburgh, NY (Orange County) on the day he was last seen. Sarmiento wore a mustache, had a scar on upper lip and wore an earring in his left ear....
SEE ALSO:How to Dispute A Speed Camera Ticket in New York Police said the unidentified trooper pulled over a black sedan, possibly a Dodge Charger with a temporary New Jersey license plate/tag numbered 997636T just before midnight when at some point during the traffic stop the suspect allegedly...
Wisconsin: State Trooper Jim Larson told the Wisconsin State Journal that not only is it legal to drive barefoot in the state, but also that many do so. He says that it’s safer to do this than to wear heels or other shoes that make driving difficult. In an interesting twist, Larson ...
In Arizona, a 7-year-old girl watched panic-stricken as a state trooper pointed his gun at her and her father during a traffic stop and reportedlythreatened to shoot her father in the back (twice)based on themistakenbelief that they were driving a stolen rental car. ...