Continue Reading02-27 | Texas Game Wardens Bust Illegal Deer Operations Across the State Public Input Sought for Digital License, Tag Option Expansion Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is taking public comment until March 26 on changes to digital licensing and tagging requirements. The proposed… ...
Many states share bordering waters often separated by an invisible state line. This line is viewed by some residents of each state as a way to elude the game wardens of each respective state. As law enforcement officers, we had to terminate pursuitor watch helplessly as a drunken boater or ...
The new app is available on both iTunes and Google Play. The app will have links to game wardens, wildlife biologists, wildlife management areas and more. Use the app to report your harvest or for all the other functionality it offers. Another option for reporting your harvest during the 20...
Game wardens in Texas released 395 turtles back into the Gulf of Mexico over the weekend that had been rescued from water temperatures low enough to stun them. The green sea turtles, released at Padre Island National Seashore, were among over 1,000 that were collected from cold waters earlier...
Weekly post about Sargent Texas and the Greater Sargent Ecosystem. Including in town news and also news about people in Sargent.
“Texas Game Wardens have a proud tradition of safeguarding and conserving Texas’ valuable natural resources, which include our waterways, landscapes and the wildlife we enjoy daily,” said Col. Chad Jones, TPWD Law Enforcement Director. “Our officers also play a critical role in the state...
Remember, Texas Game Wardens are here to help, I know this for a fact, the they love it when we all have a successful hunt. A little known secret I keep to myself is, "before I head out the door I will call my game warden friends and ask for any tips they might give me". ...
The new wardens and park police are joining the 515 game wardens and 130 park police officers currently in the field and will help enforce TPWD regulations and carry the department’s high standards to every corner of the state. These are the new game wardens and park police, and the counti...
Texas Parks & Wildlife Rangers andTexas Game Wardenshave some advice for us this Labor Day weekend: "If you're going to be out boating, don't be drinking." The wardens said they will be out in full force monitoring lake activity throughout the Lone Star State. ...
In early August, Texas game wardens were conducting water safety enforcement patrol on Falcon Lake when they got a text from a Falcon State Park police officer about a report of a suspicious boat entering Texas waters from the Mexico side of the lake. Wardens contacted the fisherman who made ...