The new app is available on both iTunes and Google Play. The app will have links to game wardens, wildlife biologists, wildlife management areas and more. Use the app to report your harvest or for all the other functionality it offers. Another option for reporting your harvest during the 20...
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Remember, Texas Game Wardens are here to help, I know this for a fact, the they love it when we all have a successful hunt. A little known secret I keep to myself is, "before I head out the door I will call my game warden friends and ask for any tips they might give me". So...
Texas Game Wardens were called by a neighbor and arrived on the scene to discover this fine American Alligator specimen has been someone's pet in Buda, Texas near Austin for the last two decades. Since the law does not allow you and I to have an alligator for a pet, the lady was forc...
Texas Game Wardens are the primary enforcement officers focusing on hunting, fishing and water safety regulations in the state. Texas State Park Police provide law enforcement services to the visitors and users of state parks and help enforce laws within their local jurisdictions. ...
“Texas Game Wardens have a proud tradition of safeguarding and conserving Texas’ valuable natural resources, which include our waterways, landscapes and the wildlife we enjoy daily,” said Col. Chad Jones, TPWD Law Enforcement Director. “Our officers also play a critical role in the state...
Operates state parks. Game warden. Local resources: Game Wardens: Garcia, Jason: 830-796-5778; Mcqueary, Mark R: 830-591-9812. Offices with Sheriff. TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION - ALAMO REGION: HQ: 512-463-2222; 101 E 15th St, Austin, TX 78778. ...
Game Wardens support local law enforcement and assist stranded motorists (Texas Parks & Wildlife Department). Meanwhile, support is also being provided by local emergency management offices, the American Red Cross, and organizations such as churches and nonprofits. Texans are encouraged to stay tuned ...
The wardens contacted local EMS, enlisted the help of some of the bystanders to stabilize the leg, and loaded the injured man onto their patrol vessel. The wardens then transported the man to a location where EMS could make a safe and speedy transfer. The wardens stayed with two juvenile bo...
Operates state parks. Game warden. Local resources: Game Wardens: Harris, Samuel C: 210-287-3905; Pipkin, Clayton R: 830-998-9174. Offices with Sheriff, 830-997-7585 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION - ALAMO REGION: HQ: 512-463-2222; 101 E 15th St, Austin, TX 78778. ...