Retired Teacher Opens Fort Worth, Texas, Snow Cone and Snack Shop.Campbell, Geoffrey A
Friedman’s embrace of casino gambling—and the subsequent revenue windfall for the state—led lawmakers to continue chasing gaming dollars; even after Friedman retired from public life, at the end of his second term, with a seven-word farewell speech reflecting on his 2006 slogan (“Actually,...
plan to end taxes on tips, the former President has just added a new provision: end the tax on overtime pay. Trump would also extend all personal and business tax cuts that he signed into law in 2017. He also wants to end taxes on social security, lift restrictions on energy production...
Then there was the fairytale love story of a teacher named Irma and her husband, Joe. What a great family this was. This was an amazing family. Camila and I, we — we sat with about 20 of their family members in the living room, along with their four kids. They were — the kids ...
In Fort Worth the grande dame of the piano bench, octogenarian piano teacher Margaret Payne, has been putting the fear of God into children for nearly 70 years. In her living room she grimly peers down as another generation stumbles through such songs as “The Prowling Pussycat.” When they...
Re: “Help keep teachers in the classroom — A raise would help, but alleviating burnout is crucial,” by Emily McGinnis, Aug. 12 Opinion. Advertisement I retired in June at age 55 after 27 years as a public school teacher/counselor in Texas. I ...
teacher, Eun Son. I additionally had a massage on the diaphragm from the lead teacher at the Andong Center. I did Level 1 hang gong during this class. I received several adjustments to the Level 1 postures. This was the first time for me, to be in front of a teacher, doing Level 1...
I retired from the bar and pool hall in 2011 to continue to work on pool tables full time. The combination of being a designer, artist, oil painter, fabricator, businessman and a very good pool player has allowed me to become a Certified Master Pool Table Mechanic. ...
“She was kind of bossy,” says the high school librarian, now retired. Genene was different from most of the other kids—more serious and less tolerant of teenage games. One of Genene’s brothers died of cancer; another was killed by the explosion of a bomb he had made; and in ...
Former chairman of Keystone; retired to Kerrville in 1982; spends time reading and visiting with friends. Doesn’t own ranch, raise horses, or play golf or dominoes. “I’ve had all that I can stand.” Member of Shriners’ Royal Order of Jesters. Lester Arnold Levy Dallas, 68NCH ...