As revealed by Point Blank CHL, there are different laws that apply to various types of guns. Per the Texas Motorist Protection Act, a Texan is allowed to have a pistol in their vehicle with a permit. However, the individual in question must be able to purchase the previously mentioned pis...
For 2011, Canada had 1.73 homicides per 100,000 people; the United States had 4.8 murders and non-negligent homicides per 100,000 people. But he then makes comparisons that suggest guns are not a relevant factor. …look at murder rates for Canadian provinces and compare them to their ...
I agree with your sentiment but I would add that there are somecountries with more guns per capita than the US. We seem to want toshoot or bomb those we disagree with. Remember the talk a few months agofrom people who wanted to use their " Second Amendment rights' if theNovember electi...
>> countries with more guns per capita than the US. We seem to want to >> shoot or bomb those we disagree with. Remember the talk a few months >> ago from people who wanted to use their " Second Amendment rights' if >> the November election does not turn out in their favor? To ...
Instead of making cars, key players like Chrysler and General Motors were busy producing things like guns, tanks, and aircraft components. Therefore, the gas prices in 1943 applied only to American-made cars that were already in existence, as getting a new domestically produced set of wheels ...
Analysis by the Washington Post concluded that the number represents a cache large enough for "every man, woman and child to own one and still have 67 million guns left over." At roughly 120.5 guns per every 100 residents, the United States has double the ratio of Yemen, the next-highest...
enough for "every man, woman and child to own one and still have 67 million guns left over." At roughly 120.5 guns per every 100 residents, the United States has double the ratio of Yemen, the next-highest country on the list, where there are an estimated 52.8 guns for every 100 ...
The logic used is "if we teach them about sex, they will have more sex".Nobody (well, some democrats might) claim that "if we teach kids how to use guns, there will be more shootings". Right? "Palin is a...
Instead of making cars, key players like Chrysler and General Motors were busy producing things like guns, tanks, and aircraft components. Therefore, the gas prices in 1943 applied only to American-made cars that were already in existence, as getting a new domestically produced set of wheels ...
Perception matters in terms of attracting work talent, funding, property values, and demographics. Heck, I’m kind of offended that Texas is ranked last because I have a number ofprivate real estate investmentsin the state! Even if we were able to live in every state in America, our experi...