he starts by acknowledging that a generic US-v.-Canada comparison might lead people to think gun rights are somehow a factor in more deaths. …for Canada as a whole, murder rates are still considerably lower than for the United States as a whole. For 2011, Canada had 1.73 homicides per ...
As angry and heartbroken as Paul was about the deaths of his daughter and grandchildren, he also felt like he had lost a son-in-law. As a Christian, he said, he believes in “forgiveness and mercy and grace and all that.” So when Brown asked him how he felt about the possibility ...
The first reported fatalities occurred in 2007 with two total fatalities at 31 deaths from 2007 to 2016 with an average of 3.4 per year and a high of 8 deaths in 2011. Five of the 8 deaths were Mexican immigrants visiting the coastal county of Cameron. More years of rip current fatality...