Sex hormones have a long and checkered history in the US, having been widely celebrated as the fountain of youth before falling from grace after studies belatedly showed multiple adverse health outcomes. This was most striking when theevidence from huge studiesWHI,HERSandHERS IIdemonstrated that, c...
Through a non-invasive technique, we analyzed faecal testosterone (FTM1) and cortisol (FCM2) metabolites of dominant and subordinate males from two wild groups of bearded capuchin monkeys. One group had a stable dominance hierarchy while the other had an unstable hierarchy, with a marked conflict... OPEN Testosterone therapy masculinizes speech and gender presentation in transgender men Carolyn R. Hodges‑Simeon1,7*, Graham P. O. Grail1,2,7, Graham Albert1, Matti D. Groll3,5, Cara E. Stepp3,4,5, Justin M. Carré6...
In contrast to voice masculinization, participants did not place high importance on seeing an effect of T therapy on the non-physical trait “psychological masculinity”, highlighting participants’ dissociation between their own perception of gender and outward display of gender prior to therapy65. Th...
The steroid pregnenolone increases DHEA, so benefits obtained from taking DHEA can be matched by taking pregnenolone. Using the latter hormone also provides the unique advantage of increasing progesterone because pregnenolone is a precursor of that female steroid and DHEA is not. ...