To this end, we investigated a potential influence of testosterone replacement therapy on hypothalamic microstructure in female-to-male (FtM) transgender individuals. 25 FtMs were measured at baseline, 4 weeks, and 4 months past treatment start and compared to 25 female and male controls. ...
FTM: Testosterone effects Positive:- Deepening of the voice in about 1-3 months- Periods cease within 2-6 months- Muscle mass increases about 30%, reduces fat and redistributes fat to male pattern- Facial hair develops in 6-24 months and may take 5 years to maxim...
The goal of this study was to determine if transgender hormone therapy with estrogen and spironolactone for male-to-female (MtF) patients or with testosterone for female-to-male (FtM) patients had adverse anthropomorphic or metabolic effects.This retrospective chart review study analyzed changes over...
Conclusio: These preliminary data could indicate a positive effect of Testosterone therapy on heart function. Contradictory to current data we found a higher HCL in MtF than FtM suggesting a not so protective estrogen effect when looking at the liver. Long-term studies are warranted to assess ...
with143patientsexperiencingED.Overthecourseof 8weeks.onegrouptookl000mgofTMGEtwiceaday.andtheothergrouptook1000mgofplacebotwicea day.TheeffectsoftheTMGEandtheplacebowereanalyzedusingtheKoreanversionoftheInternationalIndex ofErectileFunction(IIEF)questionnaire.Atotalof86patientscompleted8weeksoftreatment.Thescores...
Introduction The role of testosterone (T) and its metabolites, diidrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E), on different physiological functions is not completely known. Ovariectomized FtM T treated represent an interesting model to study the effects of T and its metabolites on different physiological...
To this end, we investigated a potential influence of testosterone replacement therapy on hypothalamic microstructure in female-to-male (FtM) transgender individuals. 25 FtMs were measured at base- line, 4 weeks, and 4 months past treatment start and compared to 25 female and male controls. Our...
FTM participants completed measures initially before they begin testosterone treatment (T1, = 79), three months later (T2, = 54) and ten months to one year later (T3, = 39). Male (= 70; 56; 38) and female (= 84; 61; 51) controls were measured in the same time intervals. ...
There appears to no significant lipid-related change after months or years of exposure to exogenous testosterone. However, the long-term effects of testosterone administration in the older adult FtM population are not well known.doi:10.1080/15532739.2014.995261Goodrum...
The acquisition of phenotypic features of the desired gender requires the use of cross-sex hormones. Female-to-male (FtM) transsexual persons are treated with testosterone to induce virilization.Pelusi, CarlaCostantino, AntoniettaMartelli, ValentinaLambertini, MartinaBazzocchi, AlbertoPonti, Federico...